V. The Origin

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Thousands of years ago, a man was plagued with a decease that no one, not even the greatest physicians in the world could ever understand and cure. Among the million people in the world, he was the only one who was afflicted with such unknown disease. As far as the people know, he was bitten by a bat of a different and likewise of an unknown kind while in the forest of Transylvania.

The man, known today to be named as Dracula, suffered excruciating pain everyday that he just wanted to rip his body. And everyday that passes by, the townspeople had to tie him down because he was becoming stronger and stronger, despite his heart slowly deterioraing. It baffles the physicians how it could happen, his heart was dying but his body is gaining strength and his wounds caused by his own are healing fast. He was beginning to be so sensitive of sunlight that a mild exposure thereof would burn his skin to the point of melting. But under the shade, his wounds, even the most severe, would heal.

On the last day that he was seen before disappearing to nowhere, his brother saw him grow fangs, his eyes turned red, and his body pale like a dead man. But he was perfectly standing in the middle of the room, looking so angry and hungry.

Legend says that his first drink of blood was that of his brother. And from then on, he fled away from the town. His brother's body was nowhere to be found. And then, the vampire terror begun. Many of the townspeople were killed, slaughtered and one common fact about all these killings is the fact that all of the victims were drained off their blood. And hence, the term bloodsucking monster, associated to the said vampire.

But unknown to many, the legends weren't perfectly and accurately told. Dracula was the first supreme vampire. But it wasn't him who started vampirism around the world.

The night that he was not able to control his thirst for blood, he indeed attacked his brother, brought him to the woods before hungrily burying his fangs, sucking him in his neck where the pulse was most attractive. But, his humanity overcame his thirst in time and was able to stop himself before he could fully kill his brother.

He got scared, guilt-stricken and ran off the woods, leaving his almost-dead brother. Unintentionally, Dracula transmitted some of the "vampire virus" into his brother's bloodstream. Thus, turning him into something similar to him.

Dracula's brother, his only brother,Andreas, was the one who wrecked havoc in the town and had unceremoniously turned people to their kind.

Dracula as the tales would tell, but his real name be Andrei, found this out after fleeing to nearby towns, trying to live like human again. While walking in the dark alley of Gheatan, a town far from his own, he was met by a newborn. He was surprised, but was not scared since he knew he was stronger. Before decapitating the said newborn, he told him who turned him.

He was surprised to know that his brother is alive, but unfortunately he is already like him. He went back to the town and found him in a dark tower beyond the thick forest. Apparently, he had already turned so many people into newborns. He talked him out of it and encouraged him to try to hunt animals as food, as what he has been doing for years after he became a vampire. But Andreas refused, stating that he perfectly wants to live the life he has now and that since people are cruel during their lifetime it's time to punish them.
Andrei did not agree with this. For quite sometime he just let his brother be, but being still on the good side, his conscience couldn't accept the fact that people are slaughtered and taken as food by his own kind. But going against his brother and his allies would be difficult and impossible if he is alone.

Even when it pained him, he came to a plan. He had to raise an army of his own, capable of being trained to not consume human blood once he/ she is turned. So he searched far and wide for these people.

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