XV. The Betrayal

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As the night ascends, Lisa sneakily moves past the guards outside the mansion previoisly owned by a wealthy politician and a philantrophist. Daniyal Arif, whose family has been enslaved and murdered in the past. When she grew up, she promised she would defend the poor. Jackson helped her come into power and eventually had helped her locality achieve the progress they craved for. Arif is now loved by many, known for her advocasies on human rights and environmental protections. As a thanksgiving for everything that Jackson has done for their locality and to her, she promised to give him the protection he needed whenever he is in trouble.

So here he is, inside a well-protected mansion in the middle of a forest with bodyguards everywhere. But Lisa doesn't want to engage them and unnecessarily kill humans. So she tried her very best to sneak in and find Jackson. Along with her are ten of her most capable men to infiltrate and extract Jackson. They can't kill him just yet. They needed information and so they needed Jackson alive.

Before coming here, Lisa already had a layout of this mansion, courtesy of an acquaintance in this area. And looking at it, Jackson may be at the chamber underground. Fortunately, though, she found him in the room on the 2nd floor of the mansion, in his luxurious robe and a wine in his hand. She quietly came in by the veranda that is suspiciously open.

"Hello Lisa. It's nice to see you again. Although I wasn't actually expecting you, but someone else."

"Cut the crap Jackson. Where is Mark? And how dare you betray us!"

In a split second and with her raging anger, Lisa proceeded to land a kick at Jackson's stomach and another painful that almost decapitated Jackson's knee. In seconds, Jackson was on his knees, Lisa's arm tightly around his neck that if she so desires, she could rip it off and end his life.

"Now, I repeat and don't make me repeat again, where is Mark??!"

"You are mistaken, Lisa! I am not the mole!! I saved Mark!"

"Tell that to the others who have proven your suspicious actions!"

"I am telling the truth!! Hear me out!"

Lisa lets go of Jackson, slamming him to the ground, though.

"No hanky panky Jackson. I have men surrounding this mansion and if you do anything, all the guards and you will die.", Lisa warns as Jackson struggles to get his breathing back.

"You're greatly mistaken Lisa. You, coming here, believing JK of the information he gave you about me is a big mistake!! I didn't anticipate you'd be the one coming here!", Jackson exclaims. He stood up and tried to fix his brokem leg.

"How did you know it was JK who gave the information of your whereabouts??"

"Because I set him up!! I intentionally divulged my whereabouts to him!"

"You are not making sense! Dammit Jackson stop fooling me and tell me where Mark is or I'm so gonna kill you!!"

"I let him track me. I know I was followed and it was his spy! I wanted to lure him, to catch him myself!"

"That's bullshit! You abducted Mark! It was very clear from the cctv footages of V's safehouse where he was brought after the lab was attacked."

"Mark was never attacked in the lab! Well, he was, but not by me! Mark was escaping from the lab because he was being injected with more vervain and not being actually treated!"

"You're lying!! You attacked V's men, killed them, abducted Mark and until now you haven't shown your face to us. If you are telling the truth you should have come clean to the members!"

When Jackson tried to approach Lisa, the latter was quick to land him a kick that  again, brough him to his knees. Jackson yelled in frustration.

"Listen to me Lisa!! I can't trust anyone in the clan knowing that there's a mole. And when I finally knew who it was, I couldn't reveal myself because you were already suspicious of me. And then, my so-called betrayal reached ny clan and I was disowned by Lady Wang. So I took refuge in here. If I presented myself and Mark to the members we will be killed at first sight by the mole's men. I know who the mole is, but I was still not sure who are in cahoots with him. I didn't even trust you!"

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