VII. Not Welcome

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A hard, stinging, heart-stopping, almost face-ripping, deafening slap in the face.

That's what Lisa got from Jisoo the moment she heard the bomb.

Jisoo did not cry or did not yell at her. After being speechless for couple of minutes, she stood up and went straight to Lisa for that hard slap. She then proceeded to walk out, with Jennie tailing behind, throwing dagger and forklift stares towards Rosé.

For Lisa, the slap didn't even hurt her, but Jisoo's teary-eyed face hurt her the most. When Lisa and Rosé tried to go after the girls, Seulgi and Irene immediately went to stop them, motioning that it wouldn't be a good idea.

For three days Lisa had tried very hard to talk to Jisoo since the human refuses to even spare her a side glance. She would follow the girl anywhere she went, begging her to talk to her even for just a second. But Jisoo seemed to turn to a deaf-mute. As if she never met Lisa. What's harder and more surprising to the vampires was the fact that Lisa could no longer enter Jisoo's house. As if she was never welcomed or invited.

"How is that possible??!!", Lisa exclaims, more like a protest, to Rosé in one of those days where she would rant for not being able to talk to Jisoo again

"That's actually surprising. I've never heard of such phenomenon.", Irene thought too.

Since that day of confession and conflict, Seulgi and Irene decided to stay a little longer to support their friends and of course to see and enjoy their misery.

"Maybe her anger is stronger than the previous invitation and so it was broken. You're so unwanted, like she hates you to her core, she feels repulsed with your presence that it overpowered the previous invitation.", Seulgi answered nonchalantly.

"Seulgi!! You don't have to rub it too much! It's enough that Lisa knows that Jisoo doesn't want her anymore.", Irene subtly said, behind a smirk.

"Fuck you both!! You're not helping!!", Lisa yells.

"Who said we're helping??!!", Seulgi exclaims and then laughs out. Irene annoyingly joined her.

Lisa could only glare at them and curse them under her breath.

"Please could you just keep quiet? We need to think this through!"

"Yes we need to sort this thing out! I need Jisoo back!", Lisa exclaims.

"I need my friends back too! Jisoo Unnie isn't talking to me and...and Jennie unnie wouldn't even spare me a glance at school. It's becoming worst and I can't stand it!", Rosé was already teary-eyed.

"That's the problem! You guys feel too much for these humans and it's weakening you.", Seulgi chirps.

"Hey respect bro, respect!! I love Jisoo and there's nothing you can do about it!", Lisa states firmly.

"And you Roseanne?? You like that cat-eyed girl right? That's why it's harder on you too."

"I--I..that's not---"

"Oh come on Rosé! Stop denying it!! I've known you for hundred years now and we perfectly know how you feel towards Jennie!", Lisa points out, to Rosé's annoyance.

"Fine!! What if I like Jennie Unnie?! At this point it doesn't matter because she clearly doesn't want to talk to me or even just see me!!"

"Well, you should be happy about that, Roseanne!"

"Really Seul?!"

"I mean she doesn't want to see you, she doesn't want to talk to you, but why??"

"Because I lied to her about my identity, about who I really am! You idiot, you were there!!", Rosé points out.

"Oh I perfectly know what happened. But all I know is that she was ready to forgive you about lying to her about who you really are. Didn't it occur to you, Park Chaeyoung, that she's angry at you and she only hated you because you're married to Lisa??!!", Seulgi also points out.

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