8. Memories

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It had been almost a month since school started up again after the summer break and it was clear to Kaminari that their new classmate was settling in well. That did not make him feel good.

He hasn't seen her do anything suspicious lately but that didn't mean she wasn't doing anything. It's always possible that he's missing it. Shinso had told him to just let it be unless he sees something again so that's what he was trying to do.

Today Shinso and Kaminari had decided to go to the mall to blow off steam. They had just had a test on Friday and they felt like they deserved it.

"Remember the last time we went to the mall?" Kaminari asked as they found a seat on the bus.

"How could I forget?" Shinso asked. Last time some creepy old guy tried hitting on Kaminari, wanting the omega to come home with him. The guy had some sort of paralysis quirk and Kaminari wasn't able to move. Thankfully Shinso was able to help and get them away from the situation. "Do you still have the choker?" Shinso asked curiously.

Kaminari looked away from Shinso. "Mina and I may or may not have... burned it..." Kaminari said shyly. Mina had convinced him to get rid of anything that reminded him too much of the alpha after they broke up the first time, and that meant burning a few things... He missed the rainbow choker now.

Shinso couldn't help but laugh at this. "Ok that makes sense," he said. "Mina would do something like that."

"I'm sorry," Kaminari said. "You had gotten it for me."

Shinso shrugged. "It's not a big deal."

"It is to me," Kaminari pouted. He remembered Shinso being adamant about getting it for him since he liked it, but since Kaminari hadn't had the money he didn't want to because he wasn't able to pay him back. Shinso ended up getting it for him without his knowledge and giving it to him when they got back to the dorms so he couldn't return it. "It was the first gift you gave me."

"Wasn't much of a gift since you insisted on paying me back when we got back to the dorms," Shinso said rolling his eyes a little.

"You never took the money," Kaminari said plainly.

Shinso just shrugged. "Could I not get my boyfriend stuff now and then?" Shinso asked.

"We weren't dating at the time," the omega said crossing his arms. "And I felt weird accepting it," he said quieter.

Shinso chuckled at his pouting boyfriend and lent over to kiss the top of his head. "It was just a small gift," Shinso whispered into his hair. "You don't need to worry about what happened to it."

"Mhhh I know," Kaminari hummed slightly as he leant his head against Shinso.

They arrived at the mall and the first place Kaminari pulled them to was Hot Topic.

They poked around the stores, finding a few little things that they liked.

"Are you ready for food?" Kaminari asked swinging his arms back and forth, taking Shinso's with it.

"Sure, what do you want to get?" Shinso asked.

"How about..." Kaminari thought for a second. "Subway?" He asked.

"Sure, sounds good to me," Shinso said. They were about to get in line when Shinso remembered something. "Oh I need to pick something up, can you just get me wherever you get? I'll meet you at the table," Shinso said.

"Oh Uhh sure, what do you need to-" Shinso had already run off before Kaminari could finish asking as if he was going to be late for whatever it was he needed to pick up.

Shrugging it off Kaminari waited until it was his turn to order. He paid for the food before finding a seat at one of the booths.

"Oh, Kaminari! I didn't know you'd be here," a very happy energetic girly voice said. Kaminari looked up to see Takahashi. This will be fun.

"Hey Takahashi," Kaminari said, not sounding nearly as enthused as the alpha.

She took a seat beside Kaminari without asking and continued to talk. "You're too cute to be here alone, mind if I join?" She asked though she had already invited herself into the seat.

"Sure I guess?" Kaminari said, unconsciously scooting away from her.

"Great!" She said shingling an arm around Kaminari. "I always love coming to the mall with people, this could be kinda like a date!"

Kaminari's brows creased and he pushed Takahashi off of him. "What the fuck? This is- no! I'm here with my boyfriend," Kaminari informed her.

"Hmm too bad, you know sorta wish you weren't dating that alpha or this would have been so much easier, I can never seem to get you alone!" She sounded really happy and Kaminari had a feeling something wasn't screwed in quite right upstairs.

She patted his knee a few times "I guess I'll see you back at the dorms Kami!" She said giving one last pat before getting up and leaving.

Kaminari blinked a few times, very confused, his brain felt weird and his head seemed heavier than normal.

"Hey, I'm back," Shinso said sliding into the seat beside Kaminari. "I saw Takahashi leaving the table, what were you guys talk about?" Shinso asked, setting a new bag on the table. Whatever was inside was long and rectangular.

"Takahashi?" Kaminari asked, confused. His head spun for a moment. "She wasn't here?" He said.

Shinso's brows creased. "Uhh ya? She was?" He said confused. He had said a quick 'hi' to her as they passed each other, she had come from their table.

Kaminari shook his head. "What'd you get?" He asked changing the subject.

"It's Uhh, it's a surprise for later." Shinso was extremely confused. It's like what Kaminari had told him before, Takahashi talking with someone and then them having no recollection of the event. Was this Takahashi's doing?

"Aww really?" Kaminari asked with a small whine. "Can I at least have a hint?" He asked reaching for the box.

Shinso snagged it before the blond could look in the bag. "Let's just say it's replacing the choker," Shinso said, holding it away from Kaminari.

"What choker?" Kaminari's asked.

(Published Feb 19, 2021)

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