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The members entered the room one by one, wearing their suits proudly

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The members entered the room one by one, wearing their suits proudly. First came the main 4. White, the oldest, the more experienced and also the well respected and popular one. Black, the intimidating one, Brown the scientific one, and Pink the friendlier one. Then came the newbies Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow, Cyan, and Lime. Being a newbie is no way a disadvantage, every single one of them was skilfully trained and are best at what they do.

After almost an hour of formalities, the spaceship was launched. "NOVAX88 will reach SKELD in 8 hours 4 minutes." White announced.

"Rest up we have to work to do." Pink said.

The main 4 had a special room, maybe with more upgraded features.

Purple dozed off. "I heard new modifications has been made" Yellow said trying not to sound too excited.

"Yes, there are two engines, double the work but I'm so excited" Orange said.

"I'm looking forward to checking out the cool pieces of equipment" Lime commented.

Yellow said something but Cyan and Red zoned out. Cyan was more interested in space ...she was in awe, she was always in love with the idea of space but it was more beautiful than she imagined, all the pictures did no justice to reality. She was so mesmerized by it. She figured Red was looking at it as well, maybe she could start a conversation like this, she turned towards Red to see him staring at the floor as if it's the most interesting thing he has ever seen. How could someone simply look at anything when they are in space, among galaxies. Cyan didn't realize she was staring until Red caught her eyes and gave her a 'what the hell are you looking at' look. Great start dumbass! She turned back to look at the space. She couldn't get enough of it.

Red, on the other hand, was listening to the conversation about the modifications. He pretended to be zoned off cause he didn't want to involve himself in the conversation, thoughts rushing through his head, how could people trust each other so easily, they are so naivé. He never truly learned to trust people, he wished he could but something always stopped him. Maybe this time things would be different.


When they arrived at the Skeld station, everyone went on their way to check out the place.

"Hey Red look at this kitchen, It's so cool right?" Yellow looked at Red, who simply rolled his eyes.

Who could check out the kitchen first? out of all places? Red headed to check out the weapons.

After almost 30 minutes white spoke through the intercom, "Everyone head to the main hall"

Everyone made their way to the main hall and sat down at their designated seats.

"Now that everyone's here, the first thing we need to do is med bay scan" White announced.

"What now?" Purple asked.

"It shows if you are an Imposter or a human" Black said.

"A thing like that exists?" Cyan asked in disbelief.

"Yes, this is what it looks like" Brown pulled out a picture from her suit. "You have to step on it and wait till the doors close around you, it may be scary at some point, but don't try to move no matter what. Wait till I ask you to come out" She explained how the scan works.

"Looks and sounds scary" Lime mumbled.

"It should be scary for an Imposter, are you an Imposter?" Black raised his eyebrows.


"Then it shouldn't be scary" he barked out.

"Chill, It's not that scary, just relax, It's not going to harm you" Pink smiled.

"No, you don't know that, It's a new machine and it works only in space and no one has tested it yet, so technically we are the lab rats, and we have to blindly trust Brown cause she is the only one who knows how to operate it," Black said in contrast.

"Hey, Trust me! I can make it work safely...I think" Brown said.

"Well, that was assuring." Red said as he adjusted his suit.

"We will start the process in 20 minutes, whoever wants to relax for a bit can go ahead and do it, I'll be in the med bay" Brown went her way. Soon everyone left to do their own thing.

Orange and Cyan went to their rooms, Lime and Red went to check up the engines and storage. Purple, Black, and White were going through their objectives.

After 30 minutes everyone was gathered at the door of the med bay, waiting for Brown to open it. Red kicked the floor impatiently. "What's taking so long?"

"I don't know." White said as he knocked on the door.

"We should open it" Black stepped forward and opened the door manually. There was Brown with her head down on the table.

"Did she fall asleep?" Cyan asked as she walked in following the others.

"Are you kidding me?" Purple scoffed.

"It's not like Brown to fall asleep on the job" White went up to her and called out her name.

No response.

"Brown!" White pulled her from the table to look at her. Her face was pale and her body was cold and lifeless.

"What happened?" Pink asked. Pink got a little closer to the table and her eyes widened. "Everyone put on your helmets and leave the room right now!"


"Oh my god"

"I'm out"

A bunch of replies was heard as they put on their helmets and exited the med bay.

"What just happened?" Yellow asked fear evident in his eyes.

"She's dead!" White announced.

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