"There she is!" I say smiling as I open the door for Tara.
Chris was already here, he was playing with Aurelia in her room.
"Hey!" She smiled as she leaned in to hug me. "Do I look okay?" Tara whispered in my ear.
"You look hot." I laugh as I pull away.
Tara has on light blue skinny jeans and a black top with flowing long sleeves and a deep v-neck.
We walk into the living room and I sit next to Sebastian on the couch. Tara sits across from us in one of the arm chairs and we talk about the movie they are still working on. A few things got delayed and pushed production back a bit.
Chris and Aurelia can be heard giggling together in Aurelia's room as they play. Tara smiles every time she hears them and it makes my heart warm to see her so happy. I'm hoping that tonight will go well enough that I don't have to intervene anymore.
"Sebastian, your child is- oh, hey!" Chris says as he comes out of Aurelia's room. He smiles brightly when he notices Tara.
"Hey stranger." Tara laughs and stands up to hug him.
They sit in the arm chairs across from us and Sebastian and I give each other a knowing look while they chat.
"He's in love." Sebastian whispers in my ear.
"She is too." I say back quietly.
Sebastian chuckles a little before kissing me on the side of my head. We hadn't talked much since our conversation earlier. I think everything is okay, I just think Sebastian is nervous to admit he needs help.
I twist my bracelet around on my wrist and hold the single charm between my fingers. I've been doing that when I get nervous lately.
"I'm gonna go check the food." I say as I stand up, needing something to keep my mind busy. Tara and Chris barely acknowledge me as they continue chatting away. I'm happy for them.
I open the oven quickly to look at the lasagna and it looks about halfway ready. I set a timer for another 15 minutes so that I don't burn it. I'm terrible about burning things. I get that from my mom unfortunately.
I'm pouring myself a glass of wine when I feel Sebastian's hand on my lower back as he steps beside me.
"You okay?" He asks.
"Yeah, why?"
"You're drinking." I look up at him, then back to the glass I'm holding.
"Oh, yeah I'm just nervous." I smile at him.
"About what?"
"Um, I don't know really." I sigh and take a sip of the wine. The bitterness catches me off guard and I cough a little.
"Okay, that's enough alcohol for you." Sebastian laughs as he takes the glass from me and finishes it. "Seriously, what's going on?"
"Oh, I just- We haven't talked much since earlier and I just want to make sure we're okay." I say quickly trying to get the words out before I choke on them.
"Of course we're okay. I'm not mad at you for worrying about my mental health." Sebastian says.
"Are you sure? I feel like I went about it the wrong way." My hands twist together again and Sebastian notices.
"Madelaine, you're doing the thing with your hands." He sighs and pulls my hands apart, wrapping them behind him and pulling me into his chest. "We are perfect. Everything is fine."
"Okay." I say against his chest. I can hear his heart beating and the sound calms me. My own mind was starting to get the best of me.
Maybe I'm the one that needs therapy.

FanficSebastian Stan: Father of the cutest little girl, Madly in love with Madelaine Prichard, Actor. Madelaine Prichard: Nanny and Mother figure to the cutest little girl in the world, Madly in love with Sebastian Stan, finding her place in this life wit...