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The cold stone marble stung against my knees, the pain a dull distraction to everything else that hurt. I knelt before my father, seething with grief. None of the other gods deserved me kneeling, not after everything that happened. I lost everything because of them, it was all their fault.

"Perseus Achilles Jackson, you have saved Olympus, and the world, once again." Zeus' voice boomed in my ears, snapping me back to reality, "We wish to grant you immortality in response to your actions."

"No." My words echoed through Olympus, sending a chill down my spine.

You may be thinking, "Why would you refuse to be a god, Percy?". Well, I'll tell you why. I've lost too much to live forever and I want my life to have meaning. Not have it fly by like it was nothing.

"No? You dare refuse the king of the gods, Jackson?"

My dad stood up, protecting me, "You cannot blame him, brother, he has been through so much already."

Staring each other down, it looked like another war was going to take place. But my father was right, I went through so much. A lot was placed on my shoulders.

"I propose," Athena interjected, "that we each bestow something to Perseus, a blessing, a gift?" Her eyes left no room for discussion, and the gods slowly backed down.

Zeus stepped forward, staring at me in distaste, "I will allow you to enter my domain without harm."

Next, was my father, "You will have control over ice and you shall be able to vapor travel."

Apollo smiled at me, sadly, "I will grant you medical knowledge, healing will come easy to you especially with supplies. I will also grant you extra art and musical talent."

"You'll be stronger and have more stamina," Ares growled.

"You will be able to drink without becoming intoxicated as easily and certain drugs and poisons will have a slower effect on you, Perry Johnson."

"I will leave you alone, mostly, young hero." Wow, Hera, thanks.

"The shadows," Hades spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, "will help you conceal yourself when you need to."

"You will be able to speak French and have a small level of charm speak. It will help persuade, it won't take complete control over people, as I know you don't like manipulation, "Aphrodite's eyes sparkled, "and I promise you, son of Poseidon, love will find you again."

Hephaestus looked down on me, pondering for a moment, "Technology will not send out as strong a signal as normal and you will be resistant to fire. Keep in mind, the fire can still damage you, so tread carefully."

Hermes smiled mischievously, "You will be able to move around stealthily and blend into almost any environment. Perfect for thievery." He winked.

Athena, looking at me somberly, "I will grant you cunning battle strategy."

Soon Hecate appeared, "You have one wish, Perseus Jackson, so I urge you to use it wisely. I will also grant you better mist manipulation, considering your "skill" with it already."

I could wish for anything? I could wish my Annabeth back, or the seven, but they wouldn't want me to waste my wish on them. They wanted me to find happiness and to let go of my grief, to move on.

"I wish," I whispered softly, "I wish for my baby sister to not be harmed by anything and I mean anything from this world. Nothing from mythology will ruin her life like it did mine."

Hecate's hands raised, and lightning shook Olympus, as she spoke again, "It is a formidable wish, Perseus, and it is done."

"Be grateful Athena proposed this idea, Jackson. Now," Zeus sharply clapped his hands together, "this meeting has come to a close."

Everyone flashed out of the room, leaving my father and I alone. He stepped forward, shrinking to my size.

"I am so proud of you, Perseus," He smiled, eyes sad, "I know you have been through so much. The other gods and I have managed to persuade Zeus to grant the two camps a period to grieve. There will be no quests issued for three weeks' time."

I frowned, three weeks was not enough for us.

My father sighed, seeing my reaction, "I know, we all tried to get more time for everyone, but Zeus would only allow this much."

"You tried your best, thank you."

My father winced, even to me, my voice sounded hollow. Dead.

"I can send you to your apartment, it is the least I can do. Go see your mother, Paul, and Estelle. You need them and you need rest."

I didn't try to mask my tears and shattered eyes from him before he teleported me back.

The last thing I hear before flashing away was his kind voice, "I love you, my son."

I love you too dad.

He teleported me to my floor of the apartment and I had truly left Olympus. My feelings still felt the same, if not worse than before.

They should've been there with me, they should've gotten the same praise I was given. If only I could've done something to have saved them. My girlfriend told me, and I promised my Wise Girl, that I wouldn't tear myself apart over the "should've and could've"s. I'm sorry, Annabeth, I'm trying, I'm really trying. But it's so hard being the last of the seven, the last survivor.

I let my tears fall for my fallen comrades, my friends, my family, and I walked into my apartment with my head hanging low.


Hello my fellow demigods, and dear mortals! 

I have decided to do another fanfic, but this time with Percy and the D.C universe! I think some of my favorites are Percy and the Batfam, I wanted to give it a shot so hopefully, you guys enjoy it. If you spot any mistakes please don't hesitate to let me know!

                 -EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon🌊🔱

Son of Poseidon (PercyJackson x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now