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Nana here with news. Okay, I was going to make the next chapter but through reading the book and connecting the dots I have come to a conclusion.

I'm taking down the book.

Please, listen out for the reason as I explain. The book originally was made by complete mistake. I was sleep deprived at the time I made it and was reading some stories I made on my computer in a folder. I typed the chapter out a few weeks from the idea of MikkiMausu as I loved it and kept it in the folder to read if I was bored. I never intended to publish it or even let anyone else read it.

But with insomnia coming in and sleep deprivation I just saw the +Write Story and from what little I remembered I was putting myself down and demeaning myself. I posted the story, because I thought everyone would hate it and give me bad comments. By the time I came out of it I already posted the book. I decided to leave it for a day and delete it tomorrow as I was very ashamed.

I didn't expect you guys to like it. I didn't expect you guys to give me loving comments. I remember myself almost breaking into tears from shock and disbelief.

The story has only gotten this far from you people. I only kept it going for this long for all of you. So, I decided to take the story down and rewrite the hell out of it.

This story will be rewritten. And this time I'll give the book some justice. I'll say this now, the ships will either change or have an add on.

Night error, or Errormare, is a canon ship in this book along with Cross x Killer, Horror x Dust, LustBerry, and NO AfterDeath. AfterDeath, I'll admit, is a cute ship but it's been used so many times that I've decided to switch it up. Classic x Death will be in the rewritten book. Drink will NOT be featured as I decided to make Ink stick to his canon self slightly. He will be Asexual Aromatic while Dream will be with Outer or Fell. Fresh will either be single as a pringle or with Sci, it's undecided for now.

There will be ship children. Who will appear I'm not saying as Akio is given, who I made by the way. Akio is my fanchild to Nightmare and Error. Please don't steal her as I made her. Other fan children may appear but it's up for debate.

I will listen to suggestions if your willing to give but I ignore you if the idea will not work out for what will go down.

The Diamonds, Gems, Deities, and Multiverses will stay the same but the backstories may be different for the plot and how they will react.

Thank you for listening and I wish you an early Valentines Day or any day close to that. Please be safe and don't be little terrors to everyone unless they deserve it. If they deserve it, then make them wish for Satan's pity.

Good day and night to all.

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