Chapter 17

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{Hello, Readers! Nana here with a new chapter! I was going to create a special but then decided to not do that as I had inspiration for a new chapter than a special. Have fun reading little moths~!}

~*(Era/Tri Diamond's pov.)*~

I sighed/huffed as I looked out the window from the room I was in. Over the course of the days that went by I have been in this room but I knew that the other diamonds were looking for me. How I knew? Easy, everyone is a gossip. I overheard the other gems, humans, and monsters that worked here. I heard as they talked of how the other diamonds are looking for me, how frantic they are.

To which confused me silly, I mean, I've only known them for a day and nothing less. But everything has turned upside down once I got to this multiverse.

I knew there were other multiverses as Fate loved to complain of how some of them are so boring or even lame. I knew that my multiverse was the fifth or sixth one that was made, how the idea of my situation came from a creator called 'harrish6'. Fate especially loved to complain about that creator as she knew that I can escape her grasp. 

But what confuses me is these feelings that spring up. My soul felt like that I knew Vintage and the rest of the diamonds, even though I never met them at all. But,..........Vintage reminded me of Classic from my multiverse very well. I owe Classic a favor since he saved me even though I was nigh immortal. He took me in and took care of me.

To my utter bafflement, he didn't want anything in return. That actually made me cry as only those I see as friends and family did it for me. I ended up telling him and the original Papyrus of what my job entitled, even how I came to be and why. I ended up caring for him and Papyrus and they did the same to me. Then, Nightmare asked me out on a date to my surprise.

I was very flustered as I never was asked out on a date, our first date was to a copy of Outertale, Nightmare was very romantic, as he showered me like I was his Queen. My face was permanently yellow that whole evening. Then we officially became a couple after a few more dates. No one outside our gang and friends knew of who we were to each-other. Though some did look ready to murder him, I ignored it for now.

But ever since I came here I've been having weird feelings and thoughts that weren't my own. Huffing I laid on my temporary bed to look towards the ceiling. Negative feelings soon manifested as I laid in the desolate room. I was away from my family, my friends, from my multiverse, in another multiverse with low chances of going back!!! I chocked back a sob as I curled up as I curled around myself.

Then I felt it, a jump in my soul. I jolted up as I looked down to where my soul would reside with a barely concealed look of terror probably on my face. I summoned my soul and cupped it. As I looked at my soul I saw how it's once chipped and scared self was more healed and even looked better from its other state. To humans, our upside down souls will look white but to monsters and hybrids they can see the colors that monsters have to represent themselves.

My soul was a yellow fading to a dark blue then a purple with hints of light blue and another blue that was a darker shade. I ignored it as I looked at my soul from every angle to finally spot a white soul shaped gradient floating around. I felt myself freeze as I stared at the little soul that floated around and jumped from time to time.

In the back of my mind I remembered that me and Nightmare had *cough*soulsex*cough* a day before I went to Outertale. It takes about couple of hours for the intertwined magic to create a new being but it depends on how much magic you gave. And since Nightmare didn't want to accidentally get my pregnant, well, not until we either married or had a little too much fun. And from what I can see then it took this one a full 24 hours to form. The longest time for one to form.

But the only way for a souling from monsters to form was from how much they wanted a child, how compatible there magic was, and how much they loved the other.

Both of our magics were very compatible, I would willingly kill the whole multiverse for him if I must and I did really wanted a child. So the fact that I was pregnant will a souling from our first time having soul intimacy, I was nervous as I never would willingly summon my body unless I was really comfortable, and the fact it was our first time spoke volumes of how much Nightmare loved me. 

I felt my face grow warm as I looked down at my soul with a soft gaze as I cooed softly at the souling that beamed with me with its pure light.

My chest warmed as I put my soul back and hugged where my soul was. I then felt DETERMINATION to escape this multiverse. Even though I knew no way back but in my soul I knew that there was a way.

Unfortunately, I have to deal with the occupants of this place. From what little I saw and learned from this place, the other diamonds knew of me, but how is the question? After all this was the first time I ever saw this multiverse and its people. Then I remembered another clue that was odd, how there was never a Error of this place, which to me was odd as every multiverse had a Error, no matter how small it was. So, a multiverse without an Error? That raised many flags.

Everything raised to many flags.

[Location: ?????


"Error, or Era, is starting to realize something is amiss, Mistress."

"Hmm? Oh, I see. I knew that there was a reason why I liked him. He will do good for my foolish sons."


"It's fine, Europa. So, how has Fate been doing?"

"Terrible, Mistress. She has fallen into sadness and regret."

"Oh? How,......unlike her. Why has she become that way?"

"She regrets her decisions she made for that multiverse and every other Error in the multiverse is now currently in a coma to everyone in their multiverse confusion. But now everyone knows in every multiverse of who Error really is to the system. Outrage and sadness now ring out as everyone is trying to help there Error. Era is the only one not effected as he is with a souling and Fate's energy just passed over him to not harm the souling."

".....Are you telling me I will be a Grandmother in a couple of months?"

"Yes, Mistress Feelings."

"*happy squeals.*"

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