.....Thank you.

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Umm, its me Nana here, and, um, well, I want to say thank you to everyone for understanding and giving support. I didn't really want to tell anyone of this as even my family doesn't know of my problems with my emotions that well and lack of understanding. All my family really knows is that I have autism and my lack of understanding jokes or even when people are being funny.

Hell, I once tried to joke of how I wanted to bomb my school at one point because peers at my school were doing it. That sent my straight to a mental ward in another city. They thought I was actually going to do it but school is actually emotional taxing in me and I start to say stuff I regret after I remember.

I have memory problems and I get distracted easily. In school, while they gave lessons I always forget the first few minutes and instead start writing fanfiction as it held my attention at the time. I love writing more than anything, giving life to worlds that I love with my very SOUL and heart. I-I-I once told someone that I saw as a brother that I wanted to kill him right to his face from pure anger and a bunch of other emotions.

He never told the school what I said, so I decided to own up and told them myself. Even though I lose interest in friends and I become distant I still care as my family always tells me that I'm a loving person, a very kind being in their eyes.

It hurts, its hurts so much of how they have utter faith in me while I can't be so much as a goddamn better fucking person. It's strange of how I'm confiding in strangers from others perspective, but you know what?

I don't care.

You guys have been better fucking people and I feel better everyday I get to read your awesome comments, your love for my stories, you guys just being there makes my day better than anything else in the whole goddamn world we live in.

You guys make me feel as if I got a second family to count on.

I'll admit, I'm a coward for not typing in private to my friend. I'm scared but who isn't? The fact that I'm confiding in everyone from this very site tells me that I have utter faith in everyone here. Yes, some are toxic, but many have shown me that you deserve my faith.

I thank everyone from this community for being there for me and I hope that I can never forget anyone for being there.

Thank you.

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