Chapter 5

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*~(Third person's pov.)~*

As the newly tri diamond and pink diamond went into the castle did everyone outside unfreeze. Soon arguing was going around of how Black Diamond did a stupid move with grey diamond just floating around looking at the arguing. 

Grey Diamond, or Core, was looking at everything with blank eyes

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Grey Diamond, or Core, was looking at everything with blank eyes. Life was reprimanding Reaper who was blissful that someone could not die from his touch. Ink was silently glaring at Reaper with an intensity of the sun. Nightmare and Dream were growling lowly and also glaring at Reaper with such an intensity. 

Core sighed as she went to find Fresh and the new Tri Diamond, whose name she never got. 

~*[With Fresh and Error]*~

Error was having a swell time actually as Fresh pointed out multiple hiding spots that would serve well in a hide and seek game. Even secret passages. The crystal hallway glistened as it sparkled among the lights. Gems and humans go by while saluting till they were out of sight then they went back to work. 

Fresh was smiling all the way as he wasn't the youngest anymore! And plus the new diamond was pretty cute

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Fresh was smiling all the way as he wasn't the youngest anymore! And plus the new diamond was pretty cute. Fresh blushed slightly as his thoughts caught up to him. He does admit that the new Tri Diamond was cute, with his red sclera eye socket, his left eye being completely white, while his right was yellow then blue and finally black in the center. Fresh could stare into his eyes as it told of stories that are untold. 

Fresh always had a thing for eyes as his very SOUL was in his right eye socket. He once hated his eyes but he got over it but he never like showing it. So to when the new Tri Diamond told him of how cool they were he didn't care if it were lies, someone actually liked his eyes. So against his better judgment he allowed for his eyes to be out in the open for all to see. 

Error kept trying to look into Fresh's eyes as Error was always curious of Fresh's eyes. He didn't find it disgusting that he had a SOUL in his eye socket. He found it cool yet beautiful. Then they stopped right in a throne room with no one else around. 

"So what do you think of the castle, Tri?"

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"So what do you think of the castle, Tri?"

"It's awesome for sure, call me Error though."

Fresh couldn't help but frown at the harsh word for a name. It just didn't suit Tri in a way. 

"How about another name? That word is too harsh, my broski."

Error couldn't help but frown also, he loved his name but if he was going to be a diamond he may need a new name. 

But what name?

{Author here~! Anyway, you get to choose Error's new name as he is a diamond now, so he must have a new name~! The diamond's don't know his name but him as just Tri Diamond, so pick a good name~! Whichever name I like best or gets voted the most will be his new name~.

Also I won't do any names as YOU'LL get to vote which name it would bring most success. 

Author out~!}

As Error pondered this did he hit a roadblock. He doesn't know a good name. As he looked at Fresh who was looking back with his unique eyes did Core come into the throne room. She looked winded and done with everything as the other diamonds came in. 

Both Fresh and Error gave each other looks as they looked back to the group that was still arguing. Shrugging both decided to discuss of what they knew while the others payed special attention to their conversation without giving it away. 

"So, what's your favorite color?"

"Hmm, I would guess it be blue today and tomorrow is up for debate." 

"What do you mean?"

"There is so much colors out there so I guess that finding the right color would be too much."

"I feel you. So, what are your powers?"


"Oh, right, your just newly created. Anyway, diamonds have various powers that link towards there personality or color of there diamond. Since I'm Pink Diamond, I get the abilities to calm down others, heal with my tears, create a army with my tears also I get to summon this awesome shield."

"It is awesome indeed

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"It is awesome indeed."

Everyone could hear the awe in his as some have gotten jealous with Fresh blushing pink with hints of purple. 

"Thanks. Anyway, you can find out your powers by feeling an urge. To either protect or fight." 

"Feeling, huh?"

Error found himself curious as he sought after a feeling. He felt the need and want to protect but the need to fight won as he put his hands in front of his gem and pulled out two twin long swords.  

{I don't own any of the images you have seen

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{I don't own any of the images you have seen. Sorry I forgot to do that.}

Both swords looked awesome till Error put forth anger and need to fight in the swords that it soon lit up in to flames. Everyone looked on in awe as this was new. Nobody could use elements or emotions to bring forth elements from there SOUL. 

That's when everyone knew how powerful this Tri Diamond was. 

He shall bring change whether you needed it or not. 

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