Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, and Katsuki walk towards the mansion with Aizawa, Hawks, Endeavour, Present Mic, and a few other heroes."What the hell is this?" Aizawa asks.
"All For One is a few centuries old. He's got money." Shigaraki informs them. "And, Dabi may or may not still have all the passcodes to his father's bank accounts." Dabi smirks smugly at that.
The group walks through the front doors of the mansion in the forest.
"Alright! Who's coming with me!?" Dabi asks with a smile.
"I am!" Hawks says with a smile.
Dabi rolls his eyes. "Great."
"I'm coming with." Shigaraki says.
"You're with me Toga." Midnight says.
"And I'm with Bakugou." Aizawa says. "Everyone else will be standing guard out here."
"So," Aizawa says as the two walk into Katsuki's room. "Do you like being a villain?"
"Depends." Katsuki responds.
Aizawa looks up at that. "What does that mean Bakugou?"
"For my first few years, when my mentor was teaching me, we only went after bad people. And I mean, he was rich, but kind. I lived in a mansion with some other kids and his son." Katsuki explains as he starts packing some clothes and grabbing stuff from his bathroom. "But... he taught us self-defense and how to use all these weapons. He had people that taught us stuff we would learn in school. We were all given our own rooms. Whatever we wanted we got, really."
"What happened to him?" Aizawa asks, thinking the worst.
"Oh he's still alive." Katsuki says. "It's just... I didn't wanna stay there anymore. I never told him but one of the higher-ups, one of his acquaintances... they... th-they um..." Katsuki wipes at his tears.
"You don't have to tell me what happened Bakugou." Aizawa says. "Why didn't you tell him though?"
"Because of the environment I grew up in, I didn't think he'd believe me." Katsuki says, going back to packing stuff up.
"What's his name? I might know him? Or at least his age or stuff? If this guy is a villain and rich and all that, that's bad for-"
"For what?" Katsuki interrupts coldly. "For the 'hero business'? And he's not a villain. The kids that lived with us? If they didn't have any living relatives that would take them in or just had nobody at all, he'd take them in after killing the abuser. He saved many lives Erasurehead. I don't like titles such as 'heroes' and 'villains' because your number one hero is a bastard, and the most wanted villain in Japan, which you have now, is seriously messed up. You guys should probably ask yourselves why we're villains before labeling us as them. You heard us before. Dabi's father is a hero, yet his father is also an abuser and practically raped his mother multiple times. Shigaraki was failed by hero society. As was I and Toga. Kurogiri as well, and Twice. All of us were. So shut the fuck up about that stuff."
Hawks walks between Shigaraki and Dabi, completely oblivious to the glare he was receiving from Shigaraki at pushing him away from his boyfriend.
"So!" Hawks says. "Where's your rooms?"
"In here." Shigaraki says, taking a turn down another hallway and catching Hawks off guard so that Dabi could go back to walking next to him.
"You guys shared a room?" Hawks asks.
"Gods how dense can you be Keigo?" Dabi scoffs as he opens the door to his and Shigaraki's room.
In a split second Dabi is pinned to the wall by Hawks feathers. "How do you know my name?" He asks.
"Um... I looked it up-?" Dabi starts but is immediately cut off by the crimson winged hero.
"My real name isn't known to the public Dabi." Hawks says. Shigaraki was ready to tackle Hawks if Dabi told him to, but he didn't because of the quirk inhibitor he would lose easily.
"Look does it really matter?" Dabi asks, raising his hands in defense. "It doesn't. Now, let me go. And let's get on with this."
"Fine." Hawks says, letting Dabi down. "Let's just get this over with."
Dabi let's out a sigh of relief and makes eye contact with Shigaraki across the room, both silently cursing at the close call, but glad Dabi didn't get caught.
Word Count

{ON HIATUS} 🧨'TNT!' V!Bakugou🧨
FanfictionWhen the League of Villains is caught and the heroes find out that four of the members are still technically children, UA Highschool approaches them with the idea of joining the school, instead of being cooped up in the villain rehabilitation center...