"Dad...?" Neito knocks on the door to his fathers office room."Come on in." His father says. Neito opens the door and walks in. His father was a wealthy businessman, but he used his power for good. Well, his idea of good. He helped people in need. He killed abusers and bad people. And any kids that didn't have a place to go, he would take in and raise them with private tutors, professional therapist for as long as they need it. Whatever they wanted, they got. All of the kids grow up to be great people. Very little of the kids actually participated in the taking out of abusers, but the ones that did, still grew up to be good people.
"What is it Neito? You should be at the dorms." His father says. His father has black hair and golden eyes.
"I know." Neito walks up to his fathers desk, but doesn't sit down. His father takes notice to that, and scrunches his eyebrows together.
"What's bothering you Neito?" He asks, standing up as well.
"Well..." He says. "You know that villain rehabiltation program they started?"
"Yes what about it?" He asks.
"Somebody I know was there." Neito says.
"I don't remember taking in a boy covered in purple scars." His father says immediately in defense.
"Not Dabi." Neito says.
"Then who?" His father asks.
"Katsuki." Neito says. His fathers movements of writing stop and he looks up at his son.
"Oh." He sets down the pen. "I... really thought he had died. Did you get to speak to him?"
"Yes." Neito says. "And... he said Okinawa did something."
"What did Okinawa do?" He asks, suddenly getting serious.
"Lots of things." Neito says. "And I talked to some others. They said they've had problems with Okinawa before."
"Tell me." He says. "Now."
"Zero?" Okinawa walks into the office. "You wanted to talk to me privately?"
"Ah yes." Zero turns around and sits in his chair. "Come take a seat Okinawa. Glad you could come."
Okinawa walks to the table and sits down.
"Wine?" Zero asks before he starts the meeting.
"Thank you." Okinawa says, taking the glass from Zero's hands and drinking it. "Tastes a little different." He notes after drinking some of it.
"Hmm." Zero hums. "Maybe it's your taste. The wine is fine. I was just drinking some with an old friend of mine. Bakugou Katsuki, I don't know if you remember him."
Okinawa's eyes widen. "Oh." He says, setting the almost empty glass of wine down. "Um... I vaguely remember him. He left though, did he not? Because he couldn't kill people anymore?"
"I never told anyone why he left." Zero informs Okinawa.
"Yes you did." Okinawa says. He starts coughing as Zero stands up and walks around the table. "What's in this again?" He asks. Zero leans against the table next to Okinawa and watches as he falls to the floor, hand at his neck.
"Normal wine stuff." Zero shrugs. "And cinnamon." Okinawa looks up at Zero with panicked eyes. "Yes I'm well aware that you're allergic to cinnamon." He moves the seat and sits down, elbows on his knees and stares at Okinawa on the floor. "What I put in won't kill you, no. However, I talked to some of my kids here and they had... lots of things to say about you." Zero places his foot on Okinawa's chest, cutting off his already struggling breathing. "Some were hesitant but... I assured you'd be taken care of accordingly." Zero takes the glass of wine and cleans the edges. "Now, when you wake up, you'll be caught in the bed with another women, by your wife. She'll take you to court as you promised last time would be the last. The rest will play out how it plays out." Zero shrugs. "Sleep tight Okinawa." He crouches down and injects the needle into Okinawa's shoulder. "Have fun."
"Katsuki!" Monoma walks up to Katsuki in the halls while he walks with Toga and some other Class 1-A members.
"Yeah?" Katsuki asks.
"I've got news." He says.
"Oh god." Katsuki turns to the others. "Go on ahead, I'll be there in a second."
The others nod and leave the two alone. "My dad took care of Okinawa." Monoma says. "Your welcome. Also, turns out Okinawa hurt some other kids."
"He's not dead, is he?" Katsuki asks with a panicked tone.
"We don't know." Monoma says. "My dad set it up so he'd be caught by his wife cheating again. She's gonna try to get divorced quietly with no news. My dad also informed some of Okinawa's old enemies that he'll be... quite vulnerable for the next few weeks. So if he dies..." Monoma shrugs. "It won't exactly be our fault."
"Oh you're evil." Katsuki says. "I like it. Wanna come sit with us?"
"Nah." He shakes his head. "I promised Kendo I'd sit with her."
"Oh. Romance." Katsuki smirks as the two walk to the cafeteria.
"Fuck off!" Monoma shoves Katsuki a bit, making Katsuki laugh as he catches himself.
Word Count

{ON HIATUS} 🧨'TNT!' V!Bakugou🧨
FanfictionWhen the League of Villains is caught and the heroes find out that four of the members are still technically children, UA Highschool approaches them with the idea of joining the school, instead of being cooped up in the villain rehabilitation center...