"So I'm sure you're wondering why you are here." Aizawa says to Katsuki, Toga, Dabi, and Shigaraki."Yes we are." Dabi nods his head.
"Is this about my mom?" Katsuki asks.
"Partly, yes." Aizawa nods his head. "Nezu, Snipe, and I have talked and we believe that it's best if the four of you start doing therapy."
"What?" Shigaraki asks.
"You heard me." Aizawa says. "You guys obviously need it. And we went over what you guys have been prescribed and well... you guys need it. It's mandatory. It's for your rehabilitation. You don't have a choice."
"Great. Another shrink." Dabi says. "Fan-fucking-tastic."
"This 'shrink' has three PHD's, a Bachelors degree, has an IQ 0f 248, and can read your emotions because of her quirk. She's been a licensed psychologist and therapist since she was 19 and is one of the top five psychologists in the world." Aizawa says.
"And is there any proof she's good at her job?" Dabi scoffs.
"I don't tell many people this, but my father abused me for almost two full decades. I ran into her on the street, first time ever meeting her, and she saw what my dad was doing to me with just six words said to her and a bow." Aizawa says. "She's kept me clean and put my father in jail. I owe my life to her. She's done everything for me. So yes, she's amazing at her job. She'll be here in a few moments so you guys can meet her."
They sit in silence for a few minutes and then the door slides open. A tall woman, maybe 5'8 or 5'9, walks into the room. She's wearing a forest green suit and a white collared shirt. As well as a black tie. And black heels that clack on the floor. Her long light brown hair is tied into a ponytail and in her arms is a briefcase.
"Shota, baby." She walks over to Aizawa and hugs him. She plants a kiss on his cheek before moving away and examining him. "How have you been? I see you haven't drunk anything in a few weeks, that's good. Your hair is good, you've been eating. You're all healthy!"
"Yeah, yeah!" He urges, trying to push her away, his face flushed with embarrassment. Toga and Katsuki both bite back their giggles.
"But if you ever do something as fucking dumb as getting put into a full body cast again, I will resume our sessions with no hesitation. You're lucky I was in Brazil when this happened Shota." She scolds with a stern voice and expression on her face.
"Now!" She claps her hands together and turns towards the four villains. "Can you all introduce yourselves? And your ages as well?"
"Toga Himiko! I'm 16!" Toga says enthusiastically, holding out her hand.
She kindly shakes her hand.
"Katsuki." Katsuki says. "Um... Bakugou Katsuki... I'm also 16."
"Nice to meet you." She says.
"Shigaraki Tomura. I'm the boss. I'm 18." Shigaraki says, holding his head high.
"Yes, I've heard of you." She says. "Quite a destructive quirk you have there." Shigaraki's smirk falls and he looks away at the mention of his quirk.
"And you?" She asks, turning to Dabi.
Dabi glares up at her with hatred in his eyes. "My name is Dabi, if you must fucking know. And I'm 18, but I turn 19 next month."
"Hostile." She says, retreating back to stand next to Aizawa. "Yes well I am Hinata Fumiko. I am 41. Dabi, I will be seeing you every Friday at 4:30 PM. Shigaraki, you will be coming to me on Sunday at 12 PM. Katsuki you will be Monday at 4:30 PM. Toga, you will come on Wednesday at 5 PM. Does that work well with their schedules Shota?"
"Yes it does." Aizawa nods his head. "Are those days okay with all of you?"
He gets a mumbled chorus of 'yessirs.'
"Alright great!" Fumiko says. "Present Mic and Midnight who are eavesdropping outside the door will walk you back to where you need to be. I need to talk to Shota."
The four stand up and pile out of the room. Fumiko waves 'goodbye' to Midnight and Present Mic as they close the door begrudgingly, mad they got caught.
"Sit down Shota." She urges. Aizawa sits down and she sits down across from him. "So I wanted to ask if I could talk to your class? They've been through a lot and I'm sure some of them may need some help. Hopefully none need my professional help, but I just wanted to make sure."
"Yes that would be fine." He says. "I need a break anyways."
"Now I didn't want to say anything in front of your students, but now that we're alone, I will say it." Fumiko says. "How are you doing? You haven't drank in a while, but I didn't leave enough time to check. You haven't brought in other methods...?"
"No, no." He says quickly. "I haven't. I've, as I always have, taken your advice."
"Yes you have." She says. "So I talked to Hizashi and Nemuri and they had lots to say. Now tell me the truth Shota."
"Fuck." He curses.
okay so i thought about it and i decided to put Kirishima out of the picture. so...
● Todoroki
● Shinso
pick and choose, pick and choose
anyways, peace, see you next chap!

{ON HIATUS} 🧨'TNT!' V!Bakugou🧨
FanfictionWhen the League of Villains is caught and the heroes find out that four of the members are still technically children, UA Highschool approaches them with the idea of joining the school, instead of being cooped up in the villain rehabilitation center...