"So Dabi, let's start." Fumiko says. Her legs are crossed and she holds a clipboard and a pen in her arms. "Tell me a little bit about yourself."
Dabi doesn't answer. He keeps his arms crossed and glares down at the ground.
"Dabi you need to say something." She says.
"I thought your quirk was so good you didn't even have to have someone speak!" He says rudely.
"Although that is true, you do need to speak Dabi." She says. "Just tell me some things about yourself. Some things that interest you."
The two sit in silence for several more moments.
Dabi let's out a long sigh. "Books."
"Hmm?" Fumiko hums, looking up from her writing on her clipboard.
"I enjoy reading." He elaborates.
"What got you into reading?" She asks.
"I use it as a kind of... escape or something." He says. "It doesn't matter though, it's just reading."
"What kinda books do you read?" Fumiko asks, starting to write on her clipboard. "I have quite a large library at my home, there's probably plenty of books in there that will interest you."
Dabi sits in silence for a few more moments before answering. "I like mythology. Greek, Egyptian, Celtic, all that. It interests me."
"What's your favorite mythology to learn about?" Fumiko asks.
"Um... probably Greek." Dabi says. "It's really interesting."
"That's great." She says. "Oh and another thing before I forget, I emailed some things to you. Fill it out."
"Okay." He says.
"Now let's continue. What's your favorite myth?" She inquires.
"Dabi?" Shigaraki knocks on the door to his boyfriends room. "Yo you in there?"
"Come in!" Dabi calls.
Shigaraki opens the door and walks in, closing it behind him. "Have you see my anxiety meds?"
"No, why?" Dabi asks.
"Well I need them, and they aren't anywhere in my room." Shigaraki says.
"Will you be okay going one night without them?" Dabi asks.
"Yeah, I think so..." Shigaraki says, pulling at his sleeves. His hand goes to his neck and Dabi stands up from his bed.
"Come here." Dabi pulls Shigaraki into a hug and falls back onto the bed. "Play with the switch. Just don't scratch yourself."
Shigaraki nods his head.
The way they're laying is Shigaraki resting on Dabi's chest, playing with the switch. And Dabi has his arms around Shigaraki's shoulders and has his book resting on Shigaraki's back as he continues reading.
"I love you..." Shigaraki mumbles.
"Love you too baby." Dabi says, leaning down and kissing his head before going back to his book.
"Hey Bakugou." Shinso approaches Katsuki, who sits on the couch alone on his phone. Toga would be with him, but she's off talking to Ochako and the other girls.
"What mind freak?" Katsuki asks without looking up from his phone.
"Midoriya said you knew how to cook." Shinso says. "And we're all kinda hungry."
Katsuki looks up at Shinso and past him at the guys in the class. They all look away when they see Katsuki staring at them.
"Did you lose the bet to come ask me?" Katsuki asks.
"No." Shinso says. He sits down next to Katsuki. "I volunteered. And they were all too chicken. Apparently because you're a 'big bad guy' when you're really just a teenager like the rest of us."
"So what, I don't scare you?" Katsuki asks with a laugh.
"I've met worse." Shinso says. "Now, you gonna make us dinner or what?"
"I'm not your guys housewife." Katsuki rolls his eyes and goes back to doing whatever it is he's doing on his phone.
"I'll help you put a lock on your phone." Shinso says. "I've heard you and the other three don't have ones."
Katsuki mulls it over for a few moments before nodding his head. "Fuck it, sure." He shrugs.
Shinso pats Katsuki's leg, to which Katsuki dones a shocked face, and stands up as well. "Come on." He leads Katsuki into the kitchen.
"You don't have to stay in here, y'know." He says.
"Actually I kinda do." Shinso says. "Need to make sure you don't poison us or steal a knife or some shit."
"Glad to know how low you think of me." Katsuki says as he grabs some things from the pantry. "Ask them how they feel about Yaki Onigiri?"
Shinso walks out of the kitchen for a moment and comes back in a few seconds later. "They said it's fine."
"Alright." Katsuki says. He starts cooking.
"This is really good Kachann!" Midoriya says as he eats the Yaki Onigiri.
"Nobody cares what you think Deku." Katsuki responds.
"Okay!" Midoriya responds with a still toothy smile and cheerful voice.
"Why do you put up with him Midoriya?" Ochako asks. "He's a bitch to everyone, but especially you. I know I wouldn't put up with it."
Midoriya laughs sheepishly, not really knowing how to explain it to the brown-haired girl.
"Well... this is just how we've always been I guess." Midoriya shrugs. "His words don't sting either. I don't care. I'm just glad I have my Kachann back."
"Deku shut the fuck up, everyone can hear your annoying ass." Katsuki says.
Midoriya laughs again. "It really hasn't changed, has it?"
"Want it to become even more normal, I'll beat your ass with or without a quirk!" He yells, standing up.
Midoriya stands up as well and sprints off. Katsuki runs after him, though he has no intention of actually hurting the green idiot.
i literally have no uploading schedule

{ON HIATUS} 🧨'TNT!' V!Bakugou🧨
FanfictionWhen the League of Villains is caught and the heroes find out that four of the members are still technically children, UA Highschool approaches them with the idea of joining the school, instead of being cooped up in the villain rehabilitation center...