"Now everyone, repeat after me!" Present Mic says to the class. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" The class repeats what he had said. "To get to the other side." They then repeat that part as well."Great work everyone! Your guys english is getting better by each day!" He claps his hands together and smiles.
The door slides open and in walks a tired Aizawa.
"Bakugou." He says. "I would like to speak to you."
Katsuki stands up and Toga follows.
"Just Bakugou." He says, sending a look towards Toga. Toga hesitantly sits back down and watches Bakugou leave with Aizawa.
"What is so important that you needed to pull me out of class?" Bakugou asks.
"Well, as you know, we are having the announcement of the villains arrival tomorrow, as you guys will have been here for a week tomorrow and have had time to become comfortable." Aizawa says.
"Okay and?" Katsuki asks.
"We are not forcing any of you guys to reveal you real names." Aizawa says. "So if you want..." Aizawa leaves his words hanging in the air.
"I won't have to tell the whole of Japan who I am." Katsuki nods his head.
"Exactly." Aizawa says. "If you want you can tell them who you are, but it isn't something they need to know."
"Okay." Katsuki says. "I think I'd like to tell them all, but thank you for letting me know. Now, I have to get back to class. Goodbye Erasurehead."
"Goodbye Bakugou." He says. He watches Bakugou walk back into Class 1-A and then leaves.
"Dabi stop moving!" Shigaraki says as he, Dabi, Bakugou, and Toga wait backstage as Nezu announces the arrival of the villains and the rehabilitation program.
"I didn't take my anxiety meds today." Dabi defends quickly. "And this is really nerve-wracking!"
"It'll be fine." Toga assures. "All four of us are going up together, not one-by-one or anything."
"Guys." Present Mic says. "Aizawa just called you up."
The four stand up and walk out, Dabi and Shigaraki next to each and Toga and Katsuki walking together behind the two.
Cameras flash at the four and people in the crowd let out cries of outrage or surprise.
"Quiet!" Aizawa screams, catching the voices of everyone in the auditorium. "You may ask them questions. And I advise you use your cards so they can call on you."
Aizawa starts walking back to his seat and stops for a second by the villains. "You guys can refuse a question if you don't want to answer it."
Shigaraki nods his head and they all continue walking to their destination.
"Hello." Shigaraki speaks into the microphone. His voice sounds tired. "I know some of you are very confused, so ask away."
(A.N. i'm just gonna put random letters together and write them off as a news company, kay?)
"J.U." Shigaraki calls.
"How did this happen?" The lady asks. "I mean, like how did you end up in this situation Mr. Shigaraki?"
"I like her, she's nice." Dabi whispers to the other two.
"No need to be formal. I am one of the lowest in society." He laughs sheepishly, raising his hands in front of him. "We just... got into a fight with the heroes. Twice was very badly hurt, Kurogiri and Mr. Compress had been labeled unconscious. Spinner got hurt as well. We couldn't fight anymore, too worried about the ones who had already fallen. And so, we got dragged to a station. They got our ages, turns out we're actually teenagers, and Nezu approaches us about attending U.A. It would've been either jail for life, or attending a school for a bunch of wannabe heroes."
"As you can see, we chose the second option." Dabi inputs. Dabi looks out at the crowd and calls on another company.
"Dabi. How did you get those scars?" A man in his mid-forties asks.
"Myself. Next question."
"What do you mean yourself?" The man continues.
Dabi sighs. "I started a fire with my quirk, let it spread through the forest, and then let it hit me. I didn't die, instead was left with these. Now, next question." He says his last sentence sternly.
"V.I." Shigaraki calls.
"What're your guys exact quirks?" They asks.
"When I touch something with all five of my fingers, it disintegrates." Shigaraki raises his hands. "It's why I wear these gloves all the time."
"But you have a quirk collar on, right?" The woman asks.
Shigaraki falters for a moment. "Yeah." He says. "Yeah I do just... I feel safer in the gloves."
"Anyways," Dabi interrupts. He wraps an arm around Shigaraki's shoulders in an attempt to keep him grounded. "My quirk is called cremation. It's a fire quirk, but a lot more powerful than the hellflame bastard over there behind me. It's blue, the hottest most painful fire. You get hit with it, it hurts like a bitch."
"Weren't you hit with it?"
Dabi, like Shigaraki, falters for a moment, thinking back to the screams that escaped his mouth for hours on end because of the flames. The way it still stings and makes him want to scream. The 24/7 pain.
"I don't like this woman." Toga whispers to Katsuki.
"Neither do I." Katsuki says. He and Toga step forward.
"Hiya!" She says into the microphone. "My names Toga Himiko! My quirk is transformation! By sucking the blood of someone, I can transform into them, use their voice and everything! Unfortunately, the only think I can't copy is their quirk. But it's whatever, all quirks have a downside anyways!"
"You must transform a lot." The woman says. "How'd you find out this was your quirk?"
Toga hesitates with explaining.
"I'm gonna kill this bitch." Katsuki mumbles to himself. He steps forward, pushing Toga aside. "I'm Ground Zero. I can explode things. Now why don't you stop talking?"
"What's that in your ears?" The woman asks.
"Hearing aids." Katsuki says. "I went partially deaf a few years ago. I can still hear somewhat, but it's easier to wear the hearing aids."
"How'd you go deaf?" She asks.
"My quirk. What the fuck did you think it was?" He asks. "Damn, you're a fucking idiot. Alright! Next question!" He searches the sea of reporters and finally calls on another one. "R.D."
The man stands up and speaks. "What is your real name?"
Katsuki thinks back to what Aizawa said about not having to answer questions. But then again... he wants to ruin his mothers career. His father would be able to go on, and he actually wants to see the man who desperately tried to protect him for years, but his mother deserves to sink to the depths of the ocean and be crushed under the pressure.
"My real name," He starts. "Is Bakugou Katsuki. I'm the son of the model, Mitsuki Bakugou." He looks into one of the cameras. "Hey mom. Guess who's not dead?"
The crowd goes crazy, some yelling about how he was lying, some about how he was crazy, and others wondering what made him this way.
"Alright. That concludes my questions. Feel free to ask the others any." He starts walking off stage. The other three follow after him.
"Well that went well." Dabi says.
"Yeah I mean it... it went great." Shigaraki says. "What the hell were you thinking Katsuki!? Telling everyone out there your real name!?"
"Jeez. Quiet down boss." Katsuki says. "It'll be fine."
"I know I'm just..." Shigaraki looks around and quiets his voice. "I'm just worried Kats."
"There's nothing to worry about Shigaraki." Katsuki assures. "I'll be okay."
"You better be." Shigaraki says.
Word Count

{ON HIATUS} 🧨'TNT!' V!Bakugou🧨
FanfictionWhen the League of Villains is caught and the heroes find out that four of the members are still technically children, UA Highschool approaches them with the idea of joining the school, instead of being cooped up in the villain rehabilitation center...