"So, Bakugou-""Seriously lady, just call me Katsuki." Katsuki says, staring at Fumiko sitting across from him.
"Katsuki," Fumiko restarts. "I wanted to know if you were willing to talk about your mother?"
"I don't wanna talk about that bitch." Katsuki says.
"Katsuki, we need to talk about her." Fumiko says. She sets down her clipboard and pen. "She was obviously a big part of you becoming a villain. And after her," She picks back up her clipboard and pen. "I would like to talk about Monoma."
"What?" Katsuki lifts his head. "What about Neito? What's he got to do with any of this?"
"The two of you seem close and you're on a first name basis with him." Fumiko says.
"After I jumped, his father took me in for a while." Katsuki explains quite quickly. "I stayed for a few months and then ran away. I never saw them again. But I got close with Neito, so I just wanted to be friends again."
"And... that is all?" Fumiko asks.
"Yes." Katsuki nods his head.
"Okay." She nods her head along.
"Are you sure?" Monoma asks into the phone. "Are you absolutely sure?"
"When have you know me to not be thorough?" A feminine voice asks on the other end of the line.
"Just making sure." Monoma smirks. "Thank you for this Hinata, really. I hate to bring you out of line."
"Anything for you." Hinata answers. "You're just lucky I was in town when you called me."
"Yes I am." Monoma chuckles.
"Monoma! Get off the phone!" Kendo yells. "We've got game night with Class 1-A!"
"Oh? Was that your little girlfriend?" Hinata asks. Monoma could see the smirk on her face.
"Shut it Hinata." Monoma hisses, turning away from the others and facing towards the bushes. Hinata laughs loudly.
"Who do you think he's talking to?" Tetsutetsu asks, looking over at Monoma hiding by the bushes.
"Why should we care?" Awase asks.
"I just mean... ever since that villain Ground Zero arrived, he's been even more secretive than ever." Tetsutetsu shrugs nonchalantly. "He did disappear to his fathers that one time. I mean, we don't even-"
"Tetsu! Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting!?" Kendo exclaims.
"No, no!" Tetsutetsu waves his hands in front of his body swiftly. "I'm just saying..."
"Don't even try to save yourself Tetsutetsu!" Kendo says sternly. She hits Tetsutetsu in the back of the head. "Monoma would never do that."
"I'd never do what?" The class all jumps a bit and look over at Monoma, who just showed up next to them. "Do what?" He questions at their frightened looks.
"Be as late as we are about to be." Kendo says, glaring towards Tetsutetsu. "Let's go." Class 1-B walks over to Class 1-A's dorms.
"Ah, you finally arrived!" Midoriya greets them with a smile. "Shinso and Todoroki are helping Kachann make sweets! Also, we ordered pizza, if that's okay with everyone?" He gets words of agreement from everyone.
"Mido! You said Katsuki's in the kitchen?" Monoma asks, approaching Midoriya.
"Yup!" Midoriya smiles widely.
"Thanks Midoriya." Monoma disappears into the kitchen.
"There he goes again." Tetsutetsu notes, watching Monoma walk into the kitchen. "Being all secretive."
"Shut it Tetsu." Kendo says. She sits down on the couch and starts up a conversation with Yaoyorozu and Jirou.
Monoma walks into the kitchen and almost doubles over in laughter at the sight before him.
Shinso and Todoroki were covered in baking power and Katsuki held the fated bag. He was holding onto the counter to hold himself up because of how much he was laughing.
Monoma had never seen him like this. So full of joy. So happy. So free.
"Neito!" Katsuki finally takes notice to the new presence in the kitchen. "You guys are here!"
"Yeah at like, the worst time ever." Shinso says, brushing the baking powder off of him.
"I think you're gonna need some water." Todoroki says, melting an ice cube above Shinso's head.
"Todoroki!" Shinso scolds. "What the hell, I'm never gonna get this out now!" Katsuki starts laughing even more, if possible.
"Dude, breathe." Monoma says, walking over to Katsuki. "Do you two mind if I steal Katsuki for a moment?"
"Not at all." Shinso growls, grabbing a glass of water.
"Shit!" Todoroki yells and sprints out of the kitchen.
"Come on." Monoma grabs Katsuki's hand and walks him outside with him.
"Neito." Katsuki pulls his arm from Monoma's hold. "What's going on? Why'd we need to talk in private?"
Monoma breathes in and out loudly. "Okinawa... is in jail."
"Oh my god." Katsuki falls back against the wall. "That's... what did he do? Why is he in there?"
"He was caught bringing in drugs out of country." Monoma says. "With my fathers detailed help and... persuasion to get people to talk with his quirk, they caught him for other things as well. Theft, multiple money problems, and... multiple women came forward when Hinata tracked them down."
"Thank you." Katsuki says, tears pricking at his eyes. His voice cracks as well.
"Hey, come here." Monoma opens his arms and Katsuki welcomes the hug. "He'll serve justice. And if he gets out..." Monoma smirks. "I'll kill him myself."
Katsuki can't help but laugh. The laugh sounded kind of sad, but also extremely grateful.
"So, are you finally ready to talk?" Fumiko asks Katsuki, staring across the table at the teenager.
"Yeah." Katsuki fiddles with his hearing aid, fixing it enough. "But not about that bitch. I wanna talk about someone else."
"And who is that?" Fumiko asks.
"Makoto Okinawa." Katsuki shivers just at the name leaving his mouth.
Fumiko recognized that name. She was called on backup to interview him, but someone else came in.
"And why him?" Fumiko asks. She expected the answer, hell she knew what the answer was, but she needed to hear it.
"He hurt me." Katsuki's voice breaks and silent tears fall down his face.
"Tell me." Fumiko leans forward, her voice taking on the same tone it did with Dabi from the last chapter. Katsuki looks up into her eyes. "Tell me everything Katsuki."
Word Count

{ON HIATUS} 🧨'TNT!' V!Bakugou🧨
FanficWhen the League of Villains is caught and the heroes find out that four of the members are still technically children, UA Highschool approaches them with the idea of joining the school, instead of being cooped up in the villain rehabilitation center...