we Owe You An Explanation (CHAP. 9)

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"Who is Tina?" Chen asked.

Both Danny and Silent turned around to face us and broke apart.

"Yeah, I guess we owe you an explanation..." Danny said, and we all motioned to the mail hall and took a seat. Me with Tawis, Danny and Silent together and Toby, Ari and Mari took random chairs to hear the story.

Danny took a deep breath and started talking.

"Well, as you can see, Silent and I are married, but maybe one or two of you already noticed it. We have a child, her name is Tina, and we live with the-" Ari cut him saying "remember, you can't mention them here."

He nodded and rectified "we live in a forest near a town, where we mess up a lot and where Silent's mother shot her at the ankle. She already healed, but it took its time to heal... A considerably long time to heal.

"After we made our marriage official, we adopted Tina, and headed back home. After about half the way, Silent's hood fell off and the government tried to take me. I tried to avoid it, but one or two hit me until I lost consciousness. And when I woke up, a while after, She wasn't there anymore. That enraged me a lot and I went over to burn the outer edge of  the forest to get attention the next day... or today, which is the same, I was without my hood, so they could take me with Silent. And that's how I ended up here a day after Silent." He ended while rubbing Silent's knuckles, and Silent had her head leaning over Danny's shoulder.

"I didn't know you did this just for me..." She whispered, happy and sad at the same time, because the two of them were trapped here, and none of us knew why we were here.

We all turned to where Ari was supposed to be, but she wasn't there anymore.

Without any of the rest, but Tao and me noticing, time stopped.

"Hey, y'all" I called them, with authority in my voice. "If you want to know the truth, come and follow us. Tao has stopped the time, but he looses a lot of energy as the now theorist time passes by, so 서둘러!" [Corean :3, means hurry up... kind of].

They all nodded and rushed to don't loose us as we both had already a competitive advantage.

We reached Ari, who was as frozen as she was when Tao and I played her the prank.

We stood in front of her, about a meter or two away from her, so she could react on time and don't hit us. Then Tao snapped his fingers, returning time back to normal, and scaring to hell out of Ari.

When Ari normalized her breathe, she just cleared her throat and continued walking.

We all stopped her and I said "We owe answers, if we are going to stay here. why is the government in need of us?" I asked, making emphasis on the word 'why'.

She let out a sigh and nodded.

"Okay, I will tell you all." She added. Then she started explaining. "It all began when you all born. The rumor of people with powers spread like smoke, and came into ears of the CreepyPastas, and of us, the government.

"We started a research of where you could be, and found both Toby and Mari at their age of 11 and 10 years, respectively, but still didn't know about Silent and Tao.

"Now, with you it was quite harder." She said pointing at us. "Because Chen and Tao were in Korea and China, and Alex was missing since the 9 years of age, and at last, we knew about Silent and Danny at their age of 14 and 13 years, respectively, and took a look on them when we knew that they lived in a small town, in the forest.

"We found Alex after she made that massive destruction around that pharmacy. We made a peace offering with Korea and China in exchange of Tao and Chen.

"To get Silent and Danny, we just needed to give Danny a cause to come with us, and took Silent, to make Danny come with us a day after." She let out a long sigh and added "we must keep you from going out starting tomorrow."

"What?!" I said, shocked.

"You can't hold us in here for long!" Tao added.

"We don't even belong here!" Silent and Danny added at the same time.

Toby and Mari said nothing. They had nowhere to go, since Toby left his pack for, I guess, save his mate [yup, Toby got mate, for more info, read "Slenderman: The Man Who Saved Me" byKibaRaines], but he would never talk about her. And Mari was a foster girl, so he had nowhere to run.

"Believed me, I hate this idea too, but it was planned for in case you discovered the truth. You can't risk your lives in the outdoors with the Pastas, so it is forbidden to leave to the outdoors until we know it is safe." She said.

"I will go to our room with silent, you must do so, after I ask" I heard Danny say... in my mind?!

"Can I go to my room, Ari? I need to process this." Daniel asked to Ari, this time out loud.

Ari nodded and he left. Then we all excused ourselves and I went to my room with Tao. Then we heard Danny inside our heads say "Hey, I made a mental pack so we can communicate without them knowing it. We leave tonight."


CLIFFHANGER 2! #lovecliffhangers #don'tkillme


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