Chapter Five

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•••Brie's POV•••

Lately I've been thinking about what Buck had told me. To get my mind off Dally with another guy. I'm gonna try to get my mind off with by hanging out with Soda more. Besides me and Soda never really hang out anymore like we used to.

Today we are going to go to the Dingo for dinner then maybe a walk by the beach. Soda had recently gotten his heart broken by that idiot, Sandy, so maybe I'm going to be able to get his mind off her.

Also, today Soda, Dally, and Steve are gonna help me get my stuff from my old place. I could really use their help; I could especially as body guards.

So it was around 2:00 and the guys were ready to go to get all my stuff. We borrowed Darry's truck so we could carry more stuff. The house wasn't too far from the Curtis'. Once we got there, I saw that both my parents were home. This might not go to well.

I decided that we should climb in through my window just to keep things a little less dramatic. The window was always open. I don't even think my parents knew that. We all snuck in quietly and when I looked around my room, I could see bottles of wine and beer already stored inside. Soda and Steve helped get my stuff in the bathroom and Dally helped me get all my clothes.

I was pulling clothes down from the hangers in my closet when I heard a loud shatter sound. I figured it was probably my mom or dad who threw an empty beer bottle. I told the guys to hurry up, because I did not want to come face to face with my parents.

Right then I saw the door knob of the bedroom door start to move. Apparently everyone noticed and we all hid. Me and Dal quietly hid in the closet and Soda and Steve were in the bath tub. I looked out through a crack of the closet and saw my dad take a step in the room then walk out.

I waited a few minutes then said, "Guys, coast is clear. Let's finish up."

All the boys got out of their hiding places and helped finish packing.

We all snuck back out the window and Soda drove us all to Buck's. They helped me unload the truck and bring all my stuff to Dally's room.

"Thanks guys. I couldn't have done it without y'all" I smiled at them.

"No problem Brie. Tell me if you need anything else." Steve gave me a hug then left.

"Yeah. I'll see you tonight Brie. I'll pick you up here in an hour?" Soda looked at me.

"Sounds good." I said as Soda walked downstairs.

"Where you guys going?" Dally asked looking confused.

"Oh, um, Soda and I are going to the Dingo tonight." I could see Dally's face cringe. He kind of looked sad.

"You guys have fun." He gave me a weak smile then left.

I knew I still had major feelings for Dal but I just didn't want things to be awkward between us ya dig?

Anyways, I began to get ready for my date with Soda. I took a quick shower and then picked out my outfit. A little black dress with white flats. I curled my hair and then did my make up. My make up was never crazy, like other greaser girls. I only put on a thin line of eyeliner, some mascara, and lipstick.

Soda picked me up at around 6:00, I hopped into the truck and he drove to the Dingo. We sat down in a booth next to a window.

A waitress came over to our table and said, "Hey what can I get y'all today?"

"What do you want Brie?" Soda asked me.

"I'll have anything. But we need to get a piece of chocolate cake for dessert!" I answered.

Soda laughed then looked back at the waitress, "We'll have two hamburgers with a side of fries. Two cokes and two slices of chocolate cake."

"Okay then! I'll have that right out for you!" with that, she skipped away and disappeared into the kitchen.

"So Soda, we never really talk that much. Tell me more about your self!" I smiled.

"Well there's not really that much to say. I'm a high school dropout and I'm working full time at the DX to help Darry with the bills. But you already knew that about me." he said.

"Of course I knew that about you. I meant tell me what you like to do for fun, where are your favorite places to go; stuff like that!"

"Hmm, I really love cars. One time I went to this awesome car show with Steve and Two Bit. That was great ."

"That sounds nice." Just then, our food came out. I was starving so I quickly are the entire burger and the fries. Same with Soda. Once we were done, the chocolate cake came out. Perfect.

We both enjoyed the delicious cake. It was really good. When the bill came out, Soda and I kinda fought over who should pay. He ended up winning and paid. After that, we decided to take a small walk to the park.

"Thanks for dinner Sodapop. I had a lot of fun." I thanked him.

"Anytime Brie. But hey, I know you have feelings for Dally. Me and you, we just are really great friends. I think maybe you should tell Dal how you feel. He probably feels the same way."

"I totally doubt that Soda. He doesn't feel the same way. And Dally, he's like my best friend. I'm afraid if I tell him how I feel, and he doesn't feel the same way, our friendship will be ruined."

"It's always worth a shot" Soda gave me his movie star smile.

"Yeah I guess so. "

We decided to walk home to Soda's because it had started raining. When we got home, both of our clothes were soaked. Soda gave me a white t shirt and some shorts to wear. They were both really big on me, but it's better than wet clothes.

Me and Soda sat down next to each other and I could see Dally's face become slightly red. A few minutes later he walked out of the house letting the door slam behind him.

"I'm gonna go see what's up with Dally." I said as I started to chase after him.

"Dally! Wait Up!" I finally got close to him and pulled his arm.

He turned around at me and said, "What do you want Brie?"

"What was that all about?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean Dally! You just ran out of the house without any explanation."

"I don't know Brie. I just couldn't take seeing you with Soda."


"Brie, I like you. And I don't mean like you like how I like other girls then just dump em. I mean I like you. A lot. You're not like other girls, you're different. I like it."

"Wow. Dally, I like you too. I never told you because I thought it would make things weird between us."

Dally stepped closer to me and kissed me. It was perfect. I kissed him back until he pulled away and said, "Brianna Adams. Will you be my girl?"

"Yes Dallas Winston, I will be your girl." I smiled at him then kissed him again.

A/N: Yay! Dally and Brie are finally together ! Who else has been waiting for them to get together ! lol . How are you liking the book so far? Thanks to everyone that has been reading. Also if you haven't yet, check out my Cameron Dallas FanFiction, "You're the One"

Oh and I think rob Lowe looks really really hot in this picture .

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