Chapter Two

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•••Brie's POV•••

I woke up on the sofa of the Curtis' still laying on Dally. He was sound asleep and I didn't want to wake him up. I slowly and gently got up to see that no one else was awake yet. I decided to cook some breakfast for the gang. Inside the fridge was some eggs and bacon. I quietly took out a pan and began to cook breakfast. When I was done cooking, I went over to the sofa to wake up Dally.

"Dallas, wake up." I said softly.

He just groaned.

"Dal, I made breakfast." He laughed under his breath and then got up.

"Mornin' Brie. Everyone still asleep?" He asked me.

"Yeah, do me a favor and wake up Soda. It's a Friday and he's gonna be late for work if he doesn't get up now." I told him.

"Ah, okay." He said walking over to Soda and Pony's room.

About 5 minutes later, Dallas came walking out of the room with Sodapop.

"Hey Brie! You made breakfast? Thanks!" Soda said happily.

"No problem Soda. Is Darry still sleeping too?" I asked.

"I think so. I'll go get him." Soda replied. Soda left the room and then Two and Steve entered the house.

"Hey Steve, hi Two Bit!" I exclaimed.

"Hey little lady." Two bit said patting my head.

"Two, I'm a year older than you." I reminded him.

"Oh well. I see you made some breakfast." He smirked.

"Yeah yeah. You guys go help yourselves. I'm gonna go freshen up for the day." I left the room and walked into the bathroom.

I rinsed my face, then brushed my hair. I looked some what presentable. After I got ready, I stepped out of the bathroom to see that all the gang had left and all the food I made was gone, but they were all nice enough to leave me some eggs and bacon. Ponyboy, Johnny, and Two bit were at school, Soda and Steve went to the DX for work, and Darry was at work. Only Dally was there siting on the couch eating some chocolate cake.

"All the guys left. It's just you and me doll." He said as his thick New York accent came out.

I smiled and sat down next to him, "What do you wanna do today Dal?"

"Whoah whoah, who said I was going anywhere with you?" He said.

I looked at him confused.

"I'm just kidding, man." He laughed, "I was thinking we could stop by the DX to see Stevie and Soda?"

"Sure. Let me go eat first." I disappeared into the kitchen to eat the delicious breakfast. I put my dishes in the sink and rinsed them off when I felt Dallas lift me up.

"Dally what are you doing?" I giggled.

"I don't know. Is it so bad to pick you up?" he laughed.

"Nooo." I smiled at him, "Cmon lets walk to the DX."

"Why walk when we have Buck's car?"

"Because the DX isn't that far, and walking is good for you."

"Whatever man". I laughed at him and then we started walking to the DX.


"Aye Soda, here come the hobos" I heard Steve say as Dally and I stepped up to him and Soda.

"Oh be quiet Steve." I rolled my eyes an grinned.

Soda laughed and then went inside to the cash register. Dally and I followed. I sat up on the counter and looked around the store.

"You guys wanna go to a drive in tonight?" Soda asked me and Dal.

"Yeah sure. What about you Dal?" I responded.

"Okay. I got nothin else better to do." He said looking at the magazines.

Just then a little brunette broad walked into the store. Immediately, she caught Dally's attention. I saw Dally walk up the the girl and they seemed like they liked each other a bit. I have to admit. It kind of bugged me seeing Dal flirt with another girl. I don't know if I like him or not. He's like my brother and my best friend..that would be so awkward if we "got together".

I looked at Dally and just rolled my eyes, then went over to Soda and Stevie in the back of the store.

"Brie, do you have a thing for Dal?" Soda asked me with a little smirk.

"What? No. What makes you say that?" I said.

"We saw the way you looked at Dally when he started talking to that broad over there." Steve laughed.

"Well I don't know. It'll be weird if I liked him." I sighed.

Right then Dally came into the room, "If you liked who?"

He went over to me and put his arm on my shoulder.

"Oh no one. Just this guy from the... um... grocery store..." I tried to cover up.

"The grocery store?" Dal looked at me funny.

"Yeah...the grocery store" I smiled.

"Okay then." he laughed.

"How'd it go with that girl?" I asked.

"She was pretty cute, but she didn't like me, man. Told me to go to hell... you think she might be into me?" he smirked.

I laughed.

"I better get home. My parents are gonna go crazy." I grabbed my sweater, and began to walk out the door, "I'll stop by later."

"Hey Brie, let me walk you home, man" I heard Dally say.

"Dal, you really don't need to." I giggled.

"Don't worry bout it. I'm going that way anyways." He smiled.

We started walking towards my house, and i could hear my parents screaming at each other. Probably drunk...again.

"Ugh. They're fighting again. I'm gonna climb through my window." I told Dal.

"Need help?"

"I'm good." I went over to the side of the house and climbed into my room. I looked behind me and next thing I know, I saw Dal climbing in too.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Thought you might want some company, and I don't want your parents to hurt you." he said with his adorable New York accent.

He closed my window gently as I changed into some comfy clothes. I don't really mind changing in front of Dal; he's seen me change many times. Like I said, he's basically my brother. I got into a sweatshirt and some sweatpants, then jumped into my bed.

"Damn, your parents are still screamin at each other." Dally looked at me.

"Yeah, usually goes on for a bit."

"I'm starvin Brie. You wanna get something to eat?"

"Sure, where you wanna go?"

"Let's get something real quick at the Dingo."

"Okay." I grinned and then we both climbed back out of my window and walked to the Dingo.

A/N: The next chapter is going to have a lot of thanks so much for reading! idk I really ship Brie & Dally. what do you guys think? The next chapter will have Dally's POV :)

lol today's my birthday . turn up 🎉

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