Chapter Eight

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•••Brie's POV•••

I woke up in an unfamiliar place with a major headache. I got up from the bed I was laying on, and opened the door to find two Socs. I opened my eyes some more and realized that the two Socs were Randy and Bob. I'm screwed.

"What the hell? Where am I?" I furiously asked.

"You don't need to know" Randy responded.

Oh I forgot to tell you...Before I met the gang I dated Randy for a few weeks. I broke up with him when I met Dally. He was so angry. I feel like this had something to do with it.

"What are you doing? Why did you just kidnap me?" I said.

"We heard you're dating that greaser Dallas Winston!" Randy said spitting.

I wiped off his spit then said, "Yeah so what?"

"What about us?"

"What about US?"

"What about our relationship?"

"It's over Randy! I broke up with you months ago! Get over it!"

"Yeah you broke up with me for that greaser!"

"Because he's a better boyfriend than you! You would abuse me all the time! I was always scared to break up with you until Dally came into my life."

"Well that was a big mistake." Randy smirked. He started to punch my face and kick my stomach. And this went on for a bit.

~At the Curtis House~

•••Dally's POV••

Brie said she was going home to shower and change. I went over to Soda's house to wait for her. When I got there, the whole gang was there...except Brie.

"Where's Brie man?" I asked.

"I dunno. She hasn't been here yet." Darry said from the kitchen.

"Oh okay. She's probably at Buck's still." I responded.

We all ate food that Darry made. He cooked up some spaghetti. It was real good man. Anyways, we waited for about and hour or two for Brie. She hasn't shown up yet and I'm starting to worry about her.

"Guys where the hell could she be?" I paced back and forth worried sick.

"Dal, she probably passed out or something. Maybe she was tired. Let's go to the drive in, she might meet us there." Steve said calming me down just a little.

"Okay." We all then began to walk to the drive in. Of course, we didn't pay. We snuck in through the little hole in the fence like always. There were some seats in the back...we never even watch the movie.

After a few minutes, I started to worry more about Brie and how she still hasn't shown up yet. I slowly got my mind off her. She probably was at Buck's and didn't want to come.

•••Brie's POV•••

I was slowly being beaten by Randy. I don't know where Bob left to. Randy punched the side of my cheek a few times and kicked my stomach multiple times.

He finally stopped and then said, "I think you've learned your lesson."

i watched him walk away as I lied there on the floor in pain. I soon fell into a slight sleep because of what had just happened to me in the last 10 minutes.

My little nap wasn't that long. Maybe a few minutes. I checked the clock to see that it was only 6:00. I looked around and saw that no one was around. Finally, I realized that I was at Randy's house.

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see that I had light purple bruise on my face that hurt like hell when I touched it.

My stomach also had some cuts and bruises which also hurt. I looked at my face and saw some tear stains and mascara drippings under my eyes.

I grabbed a washcloth that was on the sink counter and washed my face then walked out of the bathroom.

The front door was right in front of me. Quietly, I twisted the door knob.

I walked out the door and headed towards the drive in hoping the gang would be there. It's was already dark so they were probably watching the movie already.

I finally got to the drive in and crawled under the little hole in the fence. I searched the crowd of people in hope of finding Dally and the guys.

When I looked out in the crowd I just couldn't believe what I saw.

A/N: Hey Guys! I am so so so sorry about this extremely short chapter. I'm almost done writing the next chapter and i promise it's longer. This is like the shortest chapter I've ever written. I had a small writers block lol. But thanks so much for reading ! <3 Love you guys!


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