The Wardrobe

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I was jerked from my nightmare by the familiar sound of explosions. I shot up and of bed, shoved my feet into my slippers and grabbed my robe tugging it on as I went. I grabbed my bag that had all of my important items in it as I darted to Lucy's room to see her on her bed curled up crying.

"Rowan." She cried softly.

"Lu come on. We gotta go." I helped her out of bed and put her slippers on, grabbing her robe before we ran downstairs almost colliding with Susan. 

We followed her out to the bomb shelter, Edmund and Peter not far behind. Edmund was arguing with Peter but I couldn't make out what they were saying over the earth shattering sounds of the bombs, all of a sudden Edmund turns and runs back inside. Peter chasing after him yelling at him to come back.

"Edmund." I yell standing in the doorway as Lucy starts to cry harder. I quickly pulled her into my chest as she cried Susan wrapping her arms around us as well. 

As soon as I saw them coming back from the house, I left the sisters to hug one another, as their mother pulled her arms around them. Peter all but throws Edmund to the ground as they reached the shelter.

"Why do you always have to be so shelfish? You only think about yourself. Why can't you ever do as your told!" Peter shouted at him slamming the shelter door.

"Peter." I scolded lightly glancing at Edmund who was holding a picture of their father.

I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug as he cried into my shoulder. Eventually falling asleep curled into my side.

We stayed in the shelter well into the early hours of the morning, I dozed off a few times by head resting on top of Edmunds. As the sun began to seep over the horizon their mother peaked out of the shelter before rustling us up.

"Come now. We must get your things together and get to the station."

I gently shook Edmund awake as Peter picked up Lucy and carried her inside. I kept my arm wrapped around Ed's shoulder and we walked inside. We went our separate ways to get changed and collect our belongs, and soon enough we were off.

Standing in the packed train station made me nervous that we would get separated from each other.

"You'll listen to you brother won't you Edmund?" He ignored the comment and continued to look away. "Will you at least listen to Rowan?" Their mother asked softly before hugging him, as he nodded.

"You be a big girl now Susan."

"Look after the other Peter please?"

"Lucy you be good okay."

"Rowan." She said softly pulling me in for a tight hug, before whispering in my ear. "Try and keep them in line, and keep them safe. They listen to you, they trust you. I know the magic calls to all of you in some ways. When the time comes try to not let them stray."

"I'll do my best Auntie."

"You're a such a good girl. So much like your mother." She teared up a bit before we headed towards the train.

We all linked hands. Trying to stay together.

"Tickets. Do you have your papers?" A lady asked.

"Peter. Peter!" I exclaimed snatching them from his hand and handing them to the lady.

"Thank you. You five are ready to board."

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