Edmunds Return

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"Here. Your prophecies do not do you justice." He told me as I approached the trees.

"How many prophecies do I have? Your the second one to mention multiple of them."

"It is not my place to tell you what they are. Only that you will do amazing things. Look." I turned to where he pointed and saw the trees springing back to life.

"Now come collect the other two, I'll show you the creek."

I nodded going to grab Susan and Lucy. Oreius guided us to the creek before he left us alone.

"You look like mom." Lucy told her.

"Mom hasn't had a dress like this since before the war." Susan replied.

"Maybe we should bring her some back." I grinned.

"A whole trunk full." Lucy exclaimed.

"If we ever get back." Lucy's face dropped and I looked away. "I'm sorry I'm like that." She said looking at us.

"We used to have fun together, didn't we, the three of us?" She asked.

"Yes. Before you got boring." Lucy said making me laugh.

"Oh really?" She asked before she reached down and splashed us with water.

Soon the three of us were giggling and splashing each other. Before we ran back towards the tree. I grabbed the towel that was hanging only for a wolf to growl at me. I let out a startled shriek. I stood in front of Susan and Lucy and he crept a bit closer.

"Please don't try to run." He asked. "We're tired.

"And we'd prefer to kill you quickly." A second one crept around the other side of the tree.

I threw the towel in the closet ones face, Susan grabbed her horn and I help Lucy into the tree followed by Susan. I was on the lowest limb my feet dangling too close. I opened my necklace at the same time Susan blew her horn.

I let out a shriek as one of them snapped at my foot. I jerked it up away from them, And shifted to hold my body weight on my hands so I couldn't do magic.

Peter reached us first, pulling out his sword. "Get back."

Both of the wolves turned to Peter. "Come on. We've already been through this before. We both know you haven't got it in you."

"Peter! Watch out!"

Aslan roared his paw keeping the second one down. Oreius came trotting up drawing his sword.

"No! Stay your weapon, This is Peters battle."

"You may think your a king." The wolf growled. "But your going to die. Like a dog." He launched himself at Peter.

"Look out." Lucy cried.

They both landed and neither one moved I dropped out of the tree and ran over to him. I shoved the wolf off of him and he sat up throughly confused.

"You scared me to death, Peter." I slapped him in the shoulder before the three of us hugged him.

The other wolf got up and ran off. "After him. He'll lead you to Edmund." Aslan commanded and they took off after him.

"Peter. Clean your sword. Place it in the ground and kneel. Rowan you too. The Beavers told me what you did at the River."

I grabbed my sword before kneeling next to Peter. He placed his paw on Peters shoulder than mine.

"Rise Sir, Peter wolf's-bane and Dame, Rowan wolf's-bane, knights of Narnia.

Susan, Lucy and I exited our tent to see Peter standing there. He jerked his head around and I looked to see Edmund talking to Aslan. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing he was safe.

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