Cair Paravel

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We were showed our rooms at Cair Paravel so we could clean and change our clothes. I wandered out intro the hallways after I have changed. Spotting Aslan.

"Tomorrow is your coronation. Are you ready?"

"Not really."

"That is how I know you are. You have questions yes?"

"I do. But I know that now isn't the time to ask some of them. But several people have referred to me as the Forever Queen. Does that have to do with one of the prophecies about me?"

"Yes my dear Rowan it does."

"But I'm guessing now is not the time for me to know?"

"You are right. However, there are some things I can tell you. You will stay in Narnia for some time, but you will all leave. It will be accidental, but when you return Narnia will not be the same place you see now. The dreams you have back home do not dismiss them, they are messages from here. Never doubt your magic and never stop believing. And no matter what happens do not stray from who you truly are. Follow your heart always." He said softly as we walked towards the dinning area.

"Aslan I know we'll leave but, I don't want to. Narnia feels like home, like I belong here. I've never truly felt like I've belonged anywhere."

"I know. When the time comes, everything will make sense, everything will fall into place." We reached the dinning area to see everyone else already here.

I took my seat next to Lucy as Aslan addressed eveyone. "Now the coronation is tomorrow, eat, and get some much needed rest all of you." He turned and left.

We ate and joked until Lucy let out a yawn.

"Alright come on Lu. Let's get you ready for bed." I smiled grabbing her hand and walking her towards her chambers.

She picked out some pajamas and she changed before crawling into bed. I tucked her in and smiled at her.

"I never want to leave." She mumbled.

"I know, Lu. Neither do I."

She fell asleep easily. So I stood and headed towards my room and changing as well. I leaned against the window looking out over the beach and sea. Breathing in the warm night air I headed to bed, exhausted and excited for tomorrow. I laid awake for awhile thinking of the future and what Aslan had meant before I fell asleep.

I was woken in the morning by knocking on my door. I yawned stretching before I answered the door.

"Hi. Um were here to help you get ready." One muttered bashful.

"Oh come on in." I grinned stepping to the side.

One was carrying my dress while the other one followed.

"Would you like to put this one?"

"Yeah of course." I stepped into the bathroom and pulled the dress on before stepping out.

The one who handed me to dress began to tie the corset for me while the other decided on what to do with my hair, before settling in a braid.

"Now come we must get you to the throne room." I followed both of them as we walked through the halls.

I was the last one to arrive as I stood next to Lucy. As we walked towards the thrones. To the furthest left was Edmund, then Peter, Susan, Lucy, and then myself.

"To the glistening eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy The Valiant." Mr.and Mrs. Beaver came up holding the crowns followed by Mr. Tumnus, who placed the crown on Lucy's head.

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