The Battle

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Peter looked at the map, and began planning with Oreius.

"They come your highness, in numbers and weapons, far greater than our own."

"Numbers do not win battle." Oreius said.

"No, but I bet they help." Peter replied.

Peter looked back at Edmund who nodded, before he took out his sword. A horn sounded and the Narnians cheered.

"I have no interest in prisoners. Kill them all." The White witch ordered.

The gryiffons were released dropping rocks on the witches army.

"Are you with me?" Peter asked turning to Oreius.

"To the death." He replied.

"For Narnia, and for Aslan!" Peter yelled raising his sword.

"For Rowan!" Oreius yelled. Having gown a soft spot for the human girl.

And they charged into battle.

Susan and Lucy had fallen asleep holding the two. Susan was the first to wake up looking around. As Lucy woke up.

"We should go." Susan said softly.

Susan stepped away from the stone table and over to Lucy.

"I'm so cold." Lucy said quietly before following Susan.

She held her as they began to walk away. They looked back once at the two of them on the table before turning away again.

The wind picked up before the ground began rumbling and a loud cracking noise filled the air.

Lucy was the first to turn and look. "Susan!"

This caused the older girl to look as well. They stood up shocked. And walked back towards the table. It was now cracked in two and both Aslan and Rowan were gone.

"Where are they?" Lucy asked.

"What have they done?" Susan followed.

Before they looked at the stone archway. Where two silhouettes approached.

"Rowan! Aslan!" The two girls said running towards them.  

Rowan and Aslan stepped down as the two girls Pulled them both into hugs making them laugh.

First person

"But we saw the knife. The witch."

"If the witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic differently." Aslan said before I finished. "That when a willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed in a traitors stead, the stone table will crack and even death itself will turn backwards."

"We sent the news that you two were dead." Susan told  us. "Peter and Edmund will have gone to war."

"We have to help them." Lucy said pulling out her dagger.

"We will dear one. But not alone." Aslan told her. "Climb on my back. We have far to go and little time to get there. And you may want to cover your ears."

The girls motioned me to climb on first Lucy behind me and Susan at the back. Aslan let out a mighty roar as he took off in a run.

The open field and trees flew past us as Aslan never slowed.

"Where are we going?" Susan asked.

"Reinforcements." I chimed in.

"Hang on!" Aslan said speeding up a bit. 

We reached the witches castle quickly. Lucy ran through all of the stone figures stopping in front of one. Before be both saw him.

"Mr.Tumnus." I said softly.

Aslan reach us and breathed on him softly. He began to turn back to normal almost falling as Lucy and I caught him. Laughing as we did. We turned to Susan.

"Susan this is..."

"Mr.Tumnus!" She exclaimed before joining us in a hug.

"Come now. We must hurry." Aslan said to me.

I nodded going from statute to statue reversing the effects of the white witch. As we finished searching the grounds Aslan turned to me breathing on me softly.

"You might need these going into battle." He said as my weapons appeared on me.

"Climb on." He said to me before we went and found Susan and Lucy.

"Let's go ladies we have a battle to win." I said as we stopped next to them.

We took off again the Narnians we saved following us. He dropped Lucy and Susan off but I stayed my brow drawn with an arrow ready. He reached the edge of the rock and let out a roar, startling everyone.

I began shooting my arrows and using my throwing daggers as we ran towards the white witch. I saw her pin Peter to the ground with one of her swords before knocking his shield away. Aslan stopped in front of the white witch and I jumped off drawing my sword. I blocked her attack towards Peter, making her stumble a few steps.

"Impossible. You can't be alive."

"Yet I am Jadis. You know nothing of deep magic." I roared. Swinging my sword again disarming her of her other sword, catching it, before I plunged both into her heart.

"It is finished." I heard Aslan speak from behind me. I pulled my sword out of her body leaving her own there.

I turned as I hear Susan and Lucy yell for Peter before I looked for Edmund.

"Where's Edmund?" I asked.

Peter had a look of realization and took off, I followed closely behind. Susan had her bow strung as a dwarf walked up to Edmund. She released it killing him.

I ran over to Edmund, taking his helmet off. As Lucy pulled out her healing cordial. Placing a drop in his mouth he stilled for a moment, before he began coughing .

Peter was quick to pull him into a hug. "When are you going to learn to do as your told?" Peter asked.

We all joined in a group hug relieved. Aslan walked over near us before reversing one of the stoned Narnians. Lucy and I jumped up, helping Aslan and healing those who had been injured. We were almost finished when I found Oreius turned to stone. I quickly reversed it. He stood up looking at me confused.

"How are you alive?"

"Turns out the white witch didn't know the Deep Magic like she thought she did." I smiled with a light giggle.

He hugged me gently as we headed back towards the others.

"I'm glad you are alright." He said softly.

Edited. Please enjoy. ❤️

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