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The whispers about Blaviken haunted her. People stared at Geralt, calling him the 'Butcher of Blaviken', blaming him for the no longer standing village.

Once selling the warg skins for some coin, she gave the Witcher his half before he continued on, moving to the next town.

She hoped that would be the last Witcher she would encounter.

The white-haired woman purchased a horse, one as white as snow, just like her hair, and other supplies. The summer was coming close to an end, and she needed to make her way towards Zerrikania before the first snowfall.

She didn't do well in the cold.

She's hoping to reach Murviel in just over a fortnight. Give or take a few days. Before following the river towards Dol Blathanna and into the Blue Mountains to search for her kin.

The next day, she left for Montecalvo. It was quiet as she avoided the main roads. When the sun went down, she led her horse off the path before tying her gently to the tree and feeding her a few apples.

She gathered some foliage before holding some leaves in her hands and she blew on them, catching them on fire. Faina laid them gently on the sticks that she had gathered.

The woman sighed. Once she reached Montecalvo, she was going to buy a room to get some proper sleep.

She laid her head down on top of her pack, her cloak covering her to give her some comfort. She laid her dagger underneath her pack, prepared to use it at any time.

She surprisingly got a decent amount of sleep. Nothing had disturbed her, no animals, and no people.

When the sun rose, she rose with it. Faina was quick to pack her things and continue her way towards Montecalvo.

It was around midday when Faina could hear the soft sounds of water flowing.

Faina paused, "What do you say, girl? Want to take a break?"

The horse obviously did not respond but Faina slipped off of her and handled the reins, leading the horse through the trees. About 100 meters in, they came to a clearing and there was a slow flowing river.

She tied her horse up close to the water for her to be able to eat and drink, before undressing.

Faina hummed as the cool water steamed against her burning skin. She leaned back, soaking her white hair and scrubbing to get the oils that had built up over the past few days out.

She scrubbed at her skin gently, removing the dirt. Her skin had turned pale once again.

For her kind, it was easy to tell them apart. Most of them were naturally tanned, their skin only getting bronzer under the rays of the sun.

But not her. Her clan were pale, almost ghostly. No matter how much times she spent under the sun, she never got darker.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here boys." A voice broke her out of her trance and she turned to see a gang of men break through the trees,

"A beautiful maiden." The other laughed,

"Our lucky day." Another grinned.

Faina rolled her eyes and squeezed the excess water from her hair, "I'd continue on my way if I were you."

"I'd shut my mouth if I were you, missy." The first man growled,

"We'll make sure to gag you before taking you." The second stated,

"I like that idea." The third brought out his dagger.

Faina looked over, noticing her own dagger laying on the shore. With a sigh, she looked over at the men who continued their way towards her, "Last chance, vermin. I'm warning you."

The men laughed, "It's us you should be scared of, hag."

"Just remember..." Faina twisted her head to the side, cracking her neck, as she made her way onto land, "I did tell you."

With a growl, she dropped to her hands and knees. Faina screamed in pain, her fingers digging into the rocks. Her bones began to break and reset, moving itself. Bones poked at the skin of her back, forcing her to transform.

The men backed away in fear. Skin was replaced with scales as pure as snow and where her fingers were there were now talons.

Where there once was a woman, was now replaced by a dragon.

The dragon let out a roar and the men began to run.

But she couldn't let them get away. She couldn't let them spread the word that were was a dragon in Redania.

She was quick to swipe at them with her talons, slamming one of them against a tree, breaking their spine instantly.

The dragon turned, her tail smacking into the other two, pushing them further back into the clearing.

They begged and cried. Probably pissed their pants while they were at it.

But she ended it quickly for them, that's the least she could do. With an open jaw, she surrounded them with fire.

As she turned back into a person, they were only a pile of ash.

Faina sighed, passing the two clumps of dust, "I did warn you." She muttered before reaching for her clothes.

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