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The Witcher glanced over at her, "What do you mean?"

"Following each other across the Continent, repaying our debts. Or should we just keep count and meet up in a decade to see who won?" Faina smirked, "You know, assuming we are alive in a decade."

"What are you getting at, Faina?" He hummed,

"Perhaps... I could travel with you?"


Faina urged Nix forward to cut off the Witcher and his horse, "I saved your life back there in the mountains. You owe me."

He raised an eyebrow, "I saved you in Ghelibol."

"After I protected you in Blaviken." She smirked, "It's two to one, Witcher."

"I don't need some human girl following me around." He growled,

"I'm stronger than I look and you know that."

The Witcher sighed, "If you get in my way-"

"At least I don't sing like the bard." Faina grinned before the two horses continued down the path.

They continued travelling west, eventually crossing into Kaedwen. The duo stopped outside Ban Glean. It was nice to sleep on a real bed, instead of the hard ground.

But Faina couldn't sleep. No matter how hard she tried, the cries of Blaviken haunted her.

She quickly left her room, glancing at Geralt's room across the hall. The white haired woman walked down the stairs, sitting at the bar, "An ale, please."

The barman glanced at her unique-coloured hair before passing her a mug.

Behind her, she listened in on the conversations of the other customers beside her,

"Anyone left outside after dusk are left for the beasts." A man muttered to his friend, "They'll pay a reward for anyone to bring them down."

"I heard they sent out a group of their best warriors after them, but they never returned."

Faina smirked, leaning towards them, "Tell me, where are these beasts?"

The two men looked at each other before laughing, "And you think you can slay the beasts, girl?"

"I know I can."

They laughed again, "Alright, girl. You bring back proof of the beast, we'll give you 50 ducat."

She held out her hand, "Deal."

The man looked at his friend with a smirk before shaking her hand, "The beasts are outside the village of Shaerrawedd. Follow the river north."

Faina stood from her seat and finished her ale, "I'll be back in a day."

"We'll be waiting."

The woman rushed up the steps and over to Geralt's door. She knocked and waited a few moments with no answer. With a sigh, she opened the door. The large man laid on the bed, still asleep.

Faina rolled her eyes before quietly approaching him, "The great Geralt of Rivia, sleeps like the dead."

She moved to wake him, but the moment her fingers touched his skin, he awakened. Faina gasped as he gripped her hair, flipping her onto the bed next to him.

Faina gripped his wrist, staring at the dagger that he held above her neck.

"What are you doing?" He growled, removing the dagger,

"You didn't answer your door." She muttered, "I've got a job for us." Faina tensed as she felt something hard pressed against her leg, "I see you also sleep nude."

He set the dagger on the bed next to her before standing up. Faina clenched her jaw and sat up as she watched him walk over to his trousers and pulled them on.

"What's the job?" Geralt asked, lacing up her trousers,

"Some beasts have been terrorising the villagers of Shaerrawedd. There's a reward for slaying them." She explained, getting off the bed, "It shouldn't take long."

They soon packed up and began making their way to Shaerrawedd in the middle of the night. From the sound of it, the beasts only attacked at night.

It didn't take long to reach the small village. Outside the walls, there were signs warning them of the beasts.

"Witcher!" They looked up to see guards keeping watch at the tip of the fences,

"We're here to take care of your pest problems." Geralt stated,

"Many have tried, all have failed." They told him,

"They haven't gone against a Witcher." Geralt stated,

"And a girl." The guard scowled,

Faina rolled her eyes, "Yeah, thanks."

Howls filled the air. Faina took out her dagger and looked over at the Witcher, "They're coming."

A green hue filled the air as they spotted the monsters. They were like dogs, about five of them, but without fur and glowing eyes. Not to mention the green mist that surrounded them.

In all her years, she had never seen animals like this.

They didn't hesitate to attack. Faina rolled away, barely escaping the claws. She was quick to place a counter attack. She sliced the hound down the side, but it didn't slow it down.

"What the-"

Another hound came and stood next to the one that attacked her and growled, "Shit."

They both attacked at once. Faina kicked one to the side while she dealt with the other. Quickly, she swung her dagger down with as much power as she could and stabbed the hound through the head. She growled and sent a surge of fire through the dagger, making sure that this blow took out the hound.

The green hue disappeared from its skin and it collapsed.

Faina let out a cry as claws dug into her skin and dragged her down the hill. She looked back, seeing if she could find Geralt, but he wasn't in sight.

She turned to look at the hound and raised her hand. A surge of fire left her hand and burned the hound. It let out a cry of pain before backing off and growling.

"Try me."

The hound leaped at her and Faina surrounded herself in fire. The creature was incinerated before it could even touch her.

Faina collapsed on the ground, breathing hard. She looked at her wound in her calf, letting out a hiss of pain as she touched it.

She ripped off her sleeve and wrapped it around the claw marks, applying pressure, before standing and making her way back up the hill.

She ripped her dagger out of the hound's skull before looking for the Witcher. He stood over the body of a hound, sliding his sword out of its body.

He watched her as she approached. She cleaned her dagger on her remaining sleeve, "What were those things?" Faina asked him,

"I don't know."

The gates opened and they turned to look at the villagers as they piled out,

"Impressive, but I'm afraid the work is not done." One villager stood in front, "The pack is led by a large hound. They call it the Beast."

Geralt and Faina glanced at each other, "We're not gonna get payed unless we kill the leader of the pack, are we?"

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