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"Need a hand? I've got two." The bard panted behind them "One for each of the, uh, devil's horns."

"Go away." Geralt growled,

"I won't be but silent backup." He kept walking in between the two, "I heard your note, and, yes, you're right, maybe real adventures would make better stories. And you, sir, smell chock-full of them. Amongst other things. I mean, what is that? Onion?"

"You are not selling your case, bard." Faina sighed,

He didn't respond to her, "It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, you smell of death and destiny. Heroics and heartbreak."

"It's onion." Geralt stated,

Faina snickered before shifting her hood off of her head. The bard stared at her with wide eyes, "You're also a Witcher?"

She looked over at the man, "Female Witchers don't exist, bard."

"But... your hair." The bard stuttered,

She looked over at the Witcher and he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. Faina sighed, "I was born with it bard. Just some... genetic mutation, I suppose."

It was silent for a moment before the bard spoke again, "I could be your barker, spreading the tales of Geralt of Rivia, the Butcher of Blaviken and his right hand woman, a guardian angel, a protector-"

Geralt turned and punched the bard in the stomach. He continued walking and Faina stood above the gasping bard, "I am no angel. Remember that, bard."

But the bard did not leave them alone. Even when they mounted their horses to put some distance between them, he eventually caught up.

Soon, Posada was behind them as they wandered into the Blue Mountains. Faina kept her eyes open, searching for any caves or hints of burnt rocks. Anywhere her kin could possibly hide.

"Don't let his words get to you." Faina muttered softly and he glanced over at her, "No one knows what happened in Blaviken."

Except for her.

"They're just making assumptions." She finished.

"I've been around a long time. I'm used to their words." Geralt stated,

"It doesn't make it right."

"I did butcher them, Faina. I killed at least half a dozen men." He said,

"Who attacked you first." She argued,

The bard came up behind them, "Reading between the lines and the gut punches, chum, I'd say you have got a bit of an image problem. Were I to join you on this... feat to defeat the devil of Posada, I could relieve you of that title. All the North would be too busy singing the tales of... Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf or something."

"Butcher is right." Geralt replied and Faina looked over at him,

"Mind if I hop up? I'm not wearing the right footwear." The bard reached for the Witcher's horse and he snapped,

"Don't touch Roach."

The bard backed away, "Yes, right." He looked back at Faina with questioning eyes,

"Nix doesn't like men."

Soon they hopped off their horses and tied them to a nearby tree.

"The elves called this Dol Blathanna before bequeathing it to the humans and retreating into their golden palaces in the mountains." The bard commented,

Faina looked around, "The elves did not bequeath anything. They were forced out."

The two began walking, searching. Faina held out her dagger, prepared to defend herself. The bard wouldn't stop talking as they searched within the boulders,

"What are we looking for again?"

"Blessed silence."

"Yeah, I don't really go in for that. Have you ever hunted a devil before?" The bard asked,

"Devils don't exist." She told him,

"Right, obviously. Then, uh, what are we doing?"

"Sometimes there's monsters, sometimes there's money. Rarely both. That's the life." Geralt spoke.

They came upon a patch of tall grass and Faina stepped carefully. She could sense something within. Hiding... waiting.

The sound of something flew through the air and Geralt dove to the side, "Shit!"

Faina crouched close to the ground, looking for whatever had attacked them.

"Act Two begins!" The bard grinned, "What was that?"

"Are you hurt?" Faina asked, looking over at the Witcher, who had a gash in his forehead.

They looked down in the dirt and Geralt picked up the projectile, "Looks like a tiny cannonball from a..." He looked out into the distance and became quiet... for only a moment, "Oh my gosh,"

Faina followed his gaze and narrowed her eyes at the creature. She had never seen anything like it before.

"Geralt... it is a devil." The bard continued speaking and the creature threw another projectile, hitting the bard, knocking him out,

"Maybe we shouldn't kill this beast after all." Faina smirked,

Geralt stayed silent as he walked through the bushes, searching for the creature.

"Leave me be!" The creature yelled, running and head butting the Witcher.

Faina watched with wide eyes as he flew and landed on his back. He was quick to get up and approached it once more, "You talk."

The creature attacked again and this time, Geralt was ready. He grabbed him by the horns and slammed him into the dirt,

"Of course I talk!"

Geralt pinned him to the ground and Faina approached, observing the creature. He looked like a mix between a goat and a human.

"What happened to you? Your mother fuck a goat?" Geralt grinned.

"I am Torque the Sylvan, a rare and intelligent creature!" The beast yelled,

"I wouldn't go with intelligent." Faina sighed, "You decided to pick a fight with a Witcher."

"You're a dick. With balls." Geralt smirked,

"Balls I got from humans, who left our food with iron meant to poison me!" Torque pull out a chunk of hair from Geralt's scalp, "Did your mother fuck a snowman?!"

She let out a laugh and placed her dagger back in its sheath. At least this creature was entertaining.

Geralt punched the sylvan, "You are intelligent, I'll give you that. So I won't kill you, but you can't stay here."

Faina heard footsteps approaching from behind her and she turned to defend herself. She grabbed the fist that was coming towards her, but before she could react any further, the person grabbed her by the back of the head and smashed her temple into the boulders, knocking her out completely.

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