Chapter 5 - Hotter than a Bunsen burner

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(There will be swearing, and a couple of terms but its nothing too much.)

As Lenora and I entered the Biology class room, heads turned towards us, which were promptly followed by one lewd comment after the other.

"Get down on your knees again Lenora! Teach your friend a thing or two." One of the brainless goons shouted. She just walked even faster to her seat, pulling me with her.

"Why don't they like you? You're literally the nicest person I've met since I came here."

"They're just idiots."

"I agree."

{Time skip}

Suddenly a plume of smoke flew up from the table Dinwoodie's goons were on. How could they have messed it up?

"Mr Matson, what on earth is going on here?"

"I can't get my thing to work." Wonder how many times he's said that.

"Mr Matson, yours isn't working because you were too distracted."

"Wanna bet it's not the first time he's heard that?" Lenora and I laughed, trying not to bring attention to ourselves.

"Miss L/N, since you have completed your experiment, please show Mr Matson and Mr Buckman how to do it please. Supervise them."

"Of course." I winked to Lenora, hoping she'd be alright.

"I'm Tommy, and this here is Orville."

"Y/N. Right, so you take the correct amount of the first substance, which is this one." I picked up a bottle and looked around for a label. "And mix it with the water in the beaker, and heat it over the Bunsen burner. Then put it under the microscope."

"Why don't you show us how it's done Honey?" I rolled my eyes, and completed the work for them, in truth I only did it so I could go back to Lenora. I was going to finish the experiment when I heard one of the morons say something that pushed me to do something to thank them.

"Look here Orville, look at those pins {Legs}." I could only guess that they were talking about me.

"Watch out Tommy, you're missing the important things. Those tits!" What pigs, they'll regret that. I quickly formulated a plan that wouldn't make me the villain and would definitely let them get what's coming.

"Hey Tommy, why don't you come look at this? It's so cool." I feign pretending to be interested in him. He came up behind me, basically grinding on me.

"Yeah, it isn't it doll?" While Tommy was behind me, I grabbed a beaker of water and left it near the edge of the bench. I had about 60 seconds before my plan would work. I turned around to face Tommy slightly, with an innocent look on my face.

"I better get back to my work." I tried to move away and as I guessed, he reached for my hand.

"Stay a bit longer. It won't do any harm darling."

"I'm sorry boys, I need to go." I moved further. I was ready for the main part of my plan. I moved back, standing on Tommy's foot, and knocking the beaker of water over so it fell onto the boy's trousers, and lastly, Tommy fell backwards knocking Buckman down with him until they were laid on the floor.

"Mr Matson, Mr Orville, would you care to explain what happened?"

"I.... Uhmmm."

"Well, it looks like you've soiled yourselves. What a disgrace! Detention, both of you." The teacher boomed at the idiots. I sauntered back to Lenora, beaming internally.

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