Chapter 2- Revenge is best served cold and with a dash of sugar.

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My head welted with pain, as did my reddening knees. Walking home, my legs grew weary but I knew that if I returned empty handed then I couldn't explain why I was gone for so long to my slightly nosy aunt. The store wasn't too far away from the school, luckily but I still had to carry it all the way home. I had hoped to get home before the darkness had set upon the town.

The store wasn't too large but when I finally reached it, I saw some faces in there that I'd thought that I wouldn't have seen so quickly. It was the boys from the school. Oh God. I just hoped that I was just as forgettable as I was back in Tennessee. The tiny bell pinged above the door, as it gently swung open.

Their Boorish roared echoed through the shop. I hid behind each aisle to try and avoid the dimwits. I scanned my eyes over each shelf trying to find the damn sugar.

But an opportunity arose, the chance to get some revenge. A bucket full of mopping water was laid behind the boys, I grabbed the sugar that was around two feet away and accidently 'tripped' over the bucket, kicking it aggressively and watched as the idiots fell on their asses.

I shouted a quick "Sorry!" before reaching the till. The boy scanned his eyes over my items and I paid him quickly so I could catch one last glimpse at the fools sprawled out on the floor.

"I think that you slipped on something." I pointed to the ground smiling gleefully. I don't really know what Eliza would think, she could be impressed at my stunt or she would hold back a laugh and scold me for hurting people. I was glowing with delight, but my conscience shamed my ego for it, but its not like Teagardin could disagree, after all in his beloved Bible it stated, clear as holy water, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

The long trek back to my new home, Aunt Margaret plucked the bag from my hands as I placed the change on the counter. "Aunt Margaret I can help if you want..."

"No honey its ok, I don't need any help, I've learned to do it alone all these years with a husband that's mostly away and children too small to help."

My Uncle was in the army, fighting in Vietnam, but he was already enlisted. My Aunt had to raise her children alone, which made me so proud, I wanted to be like her. Which is why I am getting revenge for her, Eliza. She did what she did for others, and I wanted to adopt her idea of thinking.

After I'd left my aunt in the kitchen, I grabbed a book from my room and skipped to a large tree in the garden; It's tall branches nearly touched the clouds, a place where freedom seemed possible, or if the afterlife was real, I always thought that it was in the sky.

The book I'd grabbed was "The merry Adventures of Robin Hood", One of Eliza's favourite. I had never really taken to it but I was reading it because she had asked me to, before she died, it was probably one of the last things she ever said to me.

"Read it again Y/N, please. You'll understand, you'll read about my robin hood. The one who stole my heart." She weakly cracked a smile, her forehead sweaty from what was going on with her.

"Y/N, listen to me, come close..." I lifted my head closer to hers, when she spoke up, "Call her Marian."

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