Chapter 3- BACON!!!!

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Y/E/C – your eye colour

"Read it again Y/N, please. You'll understand, you'll read about my robin hood. The one who stole my heart." She weakly cracked a smile, her forehead sweaty from what was going on with her.

"Y/N, listen to me, come close..." I lifted my head closer to hers, when she spoke up, "Call her Marian."


I couldn't believe that Eliza had been gone nearly a year, and that Marian had been without her mother since the moment she was born. She used to be the sweetest girl ever, but Eliza had always been naïve, she never realised what would happen after she did something. But me, I always had a plan.

Today was the first day of High school at Coal creek. I wasn't nervous because I'd already experienced high school and its classical moments. I'd had a feeling that I'd see those three brutes again, but I was already prepared. There were multiple options, number one I could be to pretend that I didn't know them and say that I was one of a set of twins, but that would mean that my 'twin' would need to make an appearance. So that definitely wasn't happening. Option two was that I could stick it to them, and just kick them as hard as I could in their balls, which honestly sounded like the most appealing idea but it wasn't the most practical. Option three was that I could just avoid them, or at least try to. I could just use two and three, but two was just a plan B.

I got dressed in a pair of black capris and a t-shirt. I'd always hated dresses, they were far too impractical, but Eliza always made me wear them so that we'd look alike. She wanted us to look like sisters despite us not being related at all, though we did have similar hair colours and facial features. I had always thought that she was a great deal prettier than me, she had the movie star figure and beautiful azure eyes, much different from my Y/E/C.

As I ran downstairs from my room, to be greeted by my Aunt, stood by the sink. She turned her head over the shoulder and smiled at me softly. Her smile was so similar to my fathers, I almost mistook it for his, despite it being so long since I'd seen it. Before I sat down at the table, I thought to myself and asked her, "Would you like some help?" it was a spur of the moment thing but she never had much help, and it was hard for her to accept it when it was offered, something that must have run in the family because I saw myself in her too, but I felt bad if I didn't help her.

"Sure Honey, you can get the kids up and dressed, breakfast will be done soon."

Shortly after she finished, I raced back upstairs and knocked on my cousin's doors, there were three of them, a boy called Anthony, a girl called Rebecca and a baby girl called Annette. Anthony and Rebecca were twins who were about to turn ten, but Annette was only a few months old.

I softly knocked on the door to Rebecca and Annette's room, almost whispering "Becca, it's time to get ready." I heard a few muffled groans from Rebecca, I waited for her to open the door but when she didn't, I waltzed in and opened the curtains wide, letting the sun pour onto the sleeping girl. Pulling the covers off of Rebecca, she writhed around trying to keep warm. "Rebecca, breakfast will be ready soon." At the very mention of breakfast, she was out of bed like a shot and already retrieving clothes from her wardrobe. Smiling, I walked over to the cradle where Annette was still fast asleep. I softly picked her up, cradling her and holding her close, which prompted me to remember a time when I held Marian for the first time after she was born, though she was much smaller than Annette. I felt her gurgle against my chest so I quickly checked she was alright and if she needed a diaper change. Luckily, she was fine, so I balanced her on my hip while I left Rebecca to get changed, I had to try and wake up Anthony, which was a battle in itself.

"Anthony, you need to wake up, breakfast is nearly ready." I knocked on the door softly, repeating my previous encounter with a door. After around two minutes of silence, I couldn't wait any longer and I didn't like barging into rooms but with these children, it was a necessary evil. "Anthony, you need to get up!" I shout faintly, also removing the covers from him. When I realised this wouldn't work, I thought of something that could make this boy wake up, "Anthony!!!!! BACON!!!!" His eyes popped open and he raced to the wardrobe, getting his clothes out after the scent of bacon reached him.

I walked back down the hallway to wait for the twins to get ready, sitting on the windowsill and playing with the Annette, it made me think about how innocent she was and wonder how Marian is doing, staying with her grandparents. When Eliza's parents found out she was pregnant, they weren't angry or hurt, they just wanted to know who the father was....

(They are 15 at this point)

(They are 15 at this point, five months after Teagardins arrival [June])

"Eliza tell me who the father is!!" My adoptive father shouted at Eliza, while she tried her best not to cry or let the name of, who she called, 'her true love' or 'prince charming'.

"I don't have to tell you anything!" She stormed off upstairs while her mom sat down in her chair, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Y/N, if you know, tell me who he is." My friend's dad asked me. "Tell me please!"

"I don't know, please." He wandered over to me, placing his hands on my arms. I trembled, shaking softly.violently. "She never told me; I've asked her since I found out."

He started to shake me, my head jolting back and forth. "How long have you known? About him?" I keep quiet, which only led to more shaking, "Tell me now!"

"A couple of months." I finally break, knowing that whoever got my sister pregnant needs to know and pay for what he did.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't know that she was having... I thought that she just had a crush on some guy at school." I calmly place hair behind my ear. "She was going to tell me his name but she gave in before I got an answer."

"We need to find him, so he can get what's coming to him."

I couldn't believe how long ago that seemed even though it was barely more than a year since they found out.

Pls comment your thoughts of what should happen next... 

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