Chapter 1- Genesis

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I could never forget that sullen face, those blue eyes, him. What he did. My best friend, she died because of him, because of what he did, all in the name of God. But that won't matter, when I get revenge on him, in her name. Her name was Elizabeth-Ann Williams, and I won't let her be forgotten.

Two years before the arrival of Preacher Teagardin to Coal Creek- Jackson, Tennessee.

We'd just turned fifteen, when a new preacher started at the church. He seemed different, than the usual preacher, but he was a few years older than us and he was "charismatic". At least that's what she used to say.

Every other day afterschool, we used to go to the church, to help out, and clean, because that's what our parents taught us. I didn't mind doing it, because I was with Eliza, but it was then that the preacher snatched her away. He often told me that he and Eliza could do the inside of the church, and that I could tend to the gravestones outside, and I never realised why he did that until later.

One time, around a year or so later, I was sat in mine and Eliza's room, when she came in after staying late at church, she was all smiles and glowing skin.

"What are you smiling for?" I asked, only slightly looking up from my book.

"I'm in love!" She danced around the room, like a ballerina in a jewellery box.

I leaned forward, in confusion, "What do you mean?"

She just kept smiling and giggling, like a lovesick schoolgirl, which in actuality, she was.

"Come on, I know we ain't blood, but I like to think that you tell me everything. Please tell me." I started to worry, but she couldn't know that, so I just tried to ease her into telling me.

"I told you, I'm in love." Sat by the dresser, brushing her hair, glancing to me in the mirror. I get up and walk to her, removing the brush from her hand, attempting to tame her wild curly hair."

"I know that silly, who are you in love with?" Each sentence began and ended with a brushstroke.

"Promise you won't tell?"

"I promise."

I had managed to track him to some town that was in the middle of nowhere called Coal creek, in West Virginia. Luckily, I had managed to buy a car, so that I could travel down there safely, without having to hitchhike, because when your planning a trip this long, you hear things. Apparently, people used to go missing off of roads after being hitchhiked.

I had an Aunt that lived just north of coal creek, but she thought that I moved there because I needed some time to cool off, after Eliza died. My Aunt was the only relative I had left, so it made sense that I stayed with her, well at least in her mind.

She sat there, sitting on her rocking chair, waiting for me. She didn't look like what I pictured, but I hadn't seen her since my parent's funeral, but she moved up here to live with her husband.

The car halted to a stop, I got out, grabbing my bags from the backseat, trying to carry them all. I finally breathed, after dropping the luggage. "Hey Aunt Margaret."

"Oh, my little Y/N, I haven't seen you since you were this high." She gestures just above her waist, waving her hand sideways.

"I know, its been a long time." Memories flood back, ones I thought would never resurface.

"Come on in sweetie." She talked like a woman twice her age, but she was only sixteen when I was born, I mean you'd never imagine that she was only 33 years old.

My parents had sort of dissipated, first my dad. He came from a line of farmers, but when he met my mama, it was love at first sight. She was from a rich family, which contrasted with his agricultural roots, but for them it was love.

We lived honestly, giving what we could. When, I was seven years old, my Mama and I got injured in a car accident, while my dad was away, he had to hitchhike back, but no-one knows what happened next, my mama was left alone with me until she died. So, after I was left all alone, my neighbours daughter asked her parents to adopt me, which they did. That little girls name was Eliza. I moved in with them the next week, and my house was sold, leaving me with a lot of money, that I could only claim when I turned 21. Eliza's parents treat me like their own, Eliza and I were practically sisters, even at school we were inseparable.

Wandering around the empty room, had caused all these memories to resurface, like a dark secret. So, I had to get out of this house.

After unpacking, I thought that I would head into town, try to get a feel of why Teagardin was here, that and my Aunt Margaret wanted some sugar for her cakes.

Coal Creek, seemed like your average town, a bar, a gas station, a couple of stores but that was about it. Just outside the town was the high school, where I would have to start next week. I walked by but not before hearing some shouts, or protests.

There was this girl, knelt down, like she was prayin', but then a boy put a paper bag over her head, while the others laughed along. This was too much, I had to do something. "Hey, didn't your mothers teach you good manners?" I don't know why but they were calling her names, but she didn't look like the mean type of person.

"OOO OOO looks like we got another one. At least this one doesn't need the bag, look at her." He pushed me.

"Leave us alone.", the poor girl that was beside me shouted.

He pushed me harder, so that I fell over. "Leave us alone you pieces of shit!" And there it was. Eliza always used to tell me off whenever I swore.

Lenora was still knelt there until we heard an almighty punch. A boy had appeared, but this one looked less malevolent than the others, his face was kinder, he had managed to punch one of the three goons, but he couldn't fight them off himself. I saw a book laying on the ground so I quickly grabbed it and slammed it into the head of one of the boys in a letterman jacket.

"Little Bitch!" His grip swapped from the kinder boy's arm to my wrist, coiling around like a snake on a branch. I slapped him with my free hand, not as hard as possible, but hard enough to leave a red mark, and I possibly bust his lip.

"Get your hands off of me!" I shout. He just smiles manically, and laughs at the two boys now pummelling the boy into a pulp. This was it; Eliza want going to be proud of me, watching me from heaven. I'm sorry Eliza. I gave in, I stamped on the boy wearing the letterman jacket's foot, causing him to crouch in pain, it was swiftly followed by an elbow to the gut, and a heel to the groin, before snatching my wrist back.

"Come on, lets get out of here!" I hear one of the brainless goon's shout. The girl ran over to the kinder boy, kneeling beside him.

"Are you two ok?" I ask, intrigued at their story and ideas as to why they'd do such a thing.

"Thanks to you!" the red-haired girl said, helping the boy up. (I'm not sure but id call it slightly red)

"It's fine. Have a nice weekend. I might see you next week."

The girl ran away from the boy towards me, "What's your name? Mine's Lenora, Lenora Laferty." She held out her hand to shake which I accepted.

"It's Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N."

In the name of God (Arvin Russellxreader)Where stories live. Discover now