Chapter 7 - Do I scare you?

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As I was walking back to my aunt's house with the shotgun, I smiled to myself. I had to admit that even though I didn't know Arvin at all, I sensed that there was something between us, there had to be.

I returned to the house, saw my aunt at the table reading a recipe book she probably got from my grandma. "It's working fine Aunt Margaret. Everything seems alright for now." I ran to place it in the attic, but when I came back, I saw she was still sat there, almost completely still. "Aunt Margaret?"

"Jesus, Sorry." She held her hand up in surrender. "I can't find one damn recipe that everyone else isn't gonna be using on Sunday."

"Can't you make the pot roast Grandma used to make?"

"No, I can't, because I've made it for people before and I don't know if they've stolen the recipe and claimed it for themselves." She said, almost like the recipe was some priceless piece of jewellery.

"Aunt, it will be fine. I promise." I crossed my arms and scratched my head. "I got it. You can make this new preacher a pie."

"Yes, maybe a cherry one?" She asked me.

"That's a great idea." I grabbed my car keys, "You want me to go into town and get it?"

"Yes, thank you honey." She reached to her pocket and handed me some money.

"Of course. Anything else?"

"No, that should be it." She nodded and I walked out of the door.

{Time skip}

I got everything my Aunt needed for the pie, but as I was walking back to my car, I saw a small diner, with a hiring sign in the window. I decided that I would probably need a job to blend in around here, and who knows, maybe Preston would step in and order a lovely surprise.

"Hi, I saw a hiring sign. I was wondering if the position had been filled since." I asked the man behind the counter, he looked worn down, tired.

"No, but if you want it, its yours. As long as you can work Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons and all-day Saturdays." He replied.

"I think that's possible." I smiled.

"Right, I'll get you a form to fill out." I filled the form in quickly, and shook the man's hand. "See you on Monday." He handed me a frilly apron.

"Yes sir." I walked back to my car and drove home. I had a job, maybe it helped me blend in better, I'll never know.

{time skip}

"I got everything you needed." I dumped the bag and change on the counter, and flopped myself on the couch, the apron following me.

"Aw, thank you darling." My Aunt looked through the bags, skimming each item.

"No problem." I smiled propping my head up then letting it fall again.

"Where'd ya get the apron?"

"Oh, I got a job at the diner. So, I'll be back late on Mondays, Wednesday and Friday nights, then I'm working all day Saturdays."

"That's nice. Keeps you occupied." We were in silence for a while. "Are you coming to Church on Sunday? It's just because I know your mother was catholic, and your father was..."

"Yeah. It's ok. I used to go every Sunday. My mom always told me that it didn't matter where we prayed since God was all around us, so where we worship isn't important. It's the action rather than the location."

"I see you still wearing that cross around your neck. I saw her wearing it when she got married." We both smiled at the thought of my mother, and I twirled my necklace around, holding onto the cross lightly, like my mother used to do.

In the name of God (Arvin Russellxreader)Where stories live. Discover now