Chapter 20 - Finally

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Arvin and I were at the lake, hiding out. His knuckles were split, along with his lip. We were sat with our feet in the water, while washed the cuts on his cheek and eyebrow. I tipped the small bottle of rubbing alcohol onto the gauze, "This might sting a little." I could tell he was staring at me as I dabbed at the scratches with a gauze. "Thanks. You didn't have to help me, but you did." I whispered.

"It's alright. It's them, always a problem."

"I could help you... find a solution." He squinted at me in confusion, pulling himself away from me. "Give them a taste of their own medicine."

"Okay." He smirked, "You're not what I expected."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you seem innocent and fragile but I've never seen someone as resilient and strong as you."

"I live to disappoint." I smile, gesturing taking a hat off. "I didn't know what to expect when I first met you." He looked at me with perplexation, "Well you were fighting the goons of for Lenora. It's like someone else took over and the Arvin everyone sees is gone. You are very protective, like something happened that made you more protective of the people you love."

"Why do you think that?" He asked.

"Because I am too." I answered, nearly blushing.

"What happened?"

"My sister got pregnant by some guy, she thought they were in love, but he was just using her." I try to stifle a tear, "She gave birth last year, but she didn't make it. I moved here to process it, I just couldn't sit around and do nothing. Ever since then, I try to make sure that the people I care about are safe. So, no-one else has to die."

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I'm making sure he gets what he deserves." I finished cleaning up the cuts on his face, and started to lean back.

"You are so amazing."


"You did an amazing job," I furrowed my brows, "with my cuts and stuff." I nodded my head.


"Wait, what about your cheek?" He pointed at the new plum coloured bruise on my cheek. I kept dabbing his knuckles with the gauze, trying to clean as much blood as I could.

"What about it?"

"What will your aunt say?"

"I'll tell her I got into a fight with a wild bear and wolf, and you helped me fend them off, like my knight in plaid armour."

"Y/N..." He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, wondering.

"Arvin, she probably wouldn't approve of what we did, so I'm not going to tell her."

"What? She doesn't like you fighting?"

"No, she'll want to know the reason why I even got into a fight. And she doesn't need to know. Those boys, Dinwoodie, Matson and Buckman will get what's coming to them. Trust me. They're gonna pay."

Arvin brushed some hair out of my face, while our eyes never left each other's. "You're different, you know?"

"God that was so cliché. What are you going to do next? Save me from an evil villain?"

"You don't need me to save you, you're plenty strong enough darlin'."

"Whatever. We better get back. Come on Clyde."

"Clyde?" He looked at me with confusion for the hundredth time that day.

"If you're Clyde, I'm Bonnie." I winked and ran to the car.

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