Chapter 19 - Karmic resolution

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The next week passed by without much change, Preston didn't seem any more on edge, Arvin didn't have anymore bruises and I was smitten. As much as I didn't want to admit it, at the time, I was definitely falling for the brunette boy.

One afternoon, I found my way into the local diner, though it appeared to be empty, I spotted one of the girls I'd become friendly with, Marilyn, hunched over in a booth, her eyes dancing over the pages of her book. She was a beautiful girl, bespectacled but they just enhanced her light brown eyes that shone brightly, generally when she was reading her favourite part of "Pride and Prejudice". She reminded me of Eliza in the way that she was a romantic, something we had initially bonded over; that and the fact that, for a lack of other words, she took no shit from anyone. She was actually magnificent in her convictions. We bonded over her confiding in me that she'd one hit a kid named Jason with a hard-back copy of the dictionary, when he ripped pages from her book.

"Hey Mari, what you reading now?"

"Catcher in the Rye. It's about this boy with a really nihilistic view on life but it's actually quite interesting."

"Ah, let me know if you like it when it's done."

"I am shocked you would trust me with your education." She placed a hand softly on her head dramatically and gasped with awe. "But seriously, of course."

I smiled and slid in the seat opposite her, as we argued about which fictional monster is better: I voted for Polidori's Vampyre and Marilyn was fighting ferociously for Shelley's Frankenstein, though somehow we both agreed that both trounced Mr Hyde. As a waitress made her rounds, we ordered two milkshakes, mine strawberry, her's cookies and cream, both came within a few minutes. We played around, trying each other's and Marilyn even stole the cherry from mine.

"I just can't believe you'd do this to me Marilyn." I turned away theatrically, fake tears falling playfully but I could contain my smile.

"I'm sorry dear Y/N, you can have mine." She plucked her's from her glass and tossed it in mine non-committedly. We fooled around for a bit longer but the ring of the bell brought us from our utopia. I saw Dinwoodie, Matson and Buckman stroll in like a posse.

They glared around the space, until their eyes focused in on Marilyn and me. I cringed inwardly, knowing what could come next. "Well hello gorgeous."

I plastered a fake smile on and tried my best not to slap any of them right away. "Hey." The beating they got from Arvin was clearly still showing its effects as Gene's face was more purple than white, while Orville covered his left side generously, in case of pain.

"What are you doing hanging around with the freaks doll? You really do pick em huh? First the brother-fucker and now the violent girl."

"Gene, please, leave us alone." I tried maintaining some civility, even as Gene cornered us, his frame blocking us from leaving.

"Get lost Gene!" Marilyn retorted, sharply.

"Why should I doll? I just want to help you."

"No you don't. And given the bruises on your face, I'd say you can't even help yourself." I stood, trying to get past him, but he refused to move, pushing me back into the booth. I could see he was seething with anger, but I refused to back down. He exhaled deeply, stroking his hair back with his hand before placing it back on the table near my half-empty glass.

Gene flicked his hand open, unceremoniously casting the milkshake into my lap, causing me to stand up instantly. "Whoops." He chuckled, like a prat.

I barged past him, offering Marilyn my hand, which she took, attempting to reach the bathroom calmly, but as soon as I got a foot away, I felt a hand tear my shoulder around to change my direction. Gene seized my arms to my side with his hands. "Come on doll, you know you wanna." He attempted what looked like a smoulder but actually looked more like what would happen if you ate bad shellfish.

That was the last straw. "I really don't." I kicked him between his legs and pushed him to the ground. "If you ever touch me again, or if any of the rent-a-cretin's do, then I really have no problem informing your parents what their son's new cologne's smell really is. Perhaps Mr Dinwoodie would check the glove compartment. I'd considering getting rid of it."

"You little bitch." Gene hissed venomously.

Buckman and Matson shook themselves awake, charging for me, but I dodged Orville's clumsy tackle and Tommy's weak fist. I kicked Orville's backside, forcing him to land abruptly on the floor. I ducked as Tommy flung another punch, which grazed my cheek but I propped back up and thumped him in the face.

"Oh and you know the girl who kicked the shit out of you, first week of school? That was me. You were just too blinded by your... lust, let's call it that." I declared victoriously.

I rolled my eyes and stepped over the boys that were squirming around on the floor. Unfortunately, there was only a few people in, but you make do with what you've got. I scanned the street, when a familiar face was propped up against his car, cigarette discarded without thought, more ash than stick. "Marilyn, I'm sorry you were involved in that."

"It was badass." She caressed my shoulder and hugged me tightly. "Thanks."

"It's fine."

As she walked away, I turned back to Arvin. "Hi there."

"Hello to you too." He tossed his cigarette on the ground and stood in front of me, checking me over for injuries. "Get in, I'll patch you up." I noticed a few new cuts on his face and a bruise below his cheek.

"Seems you do too." I cupped his jaw, tilting his gaze to mine.

"We can fix each other."

(A/N: I am so sorry for not uploading sooner; I have been struggling with writer's block in general, plus I've been busy outside of writing. Thank you for all your patience, and I hope this double upload helps!)

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