[three] female human anatomy

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At Welton, Charlie and Richard were still fighting about what bed they were going to get and shamelessly displayed their hatred toward each other.

The front door of their dorm room opened and Neil, Todd, and Knox walked in.  Charlie muttered as he sat down on the bed he least liked and then pretended to be pleased by their presence.

"Guess what?"

"What?" Richard answered before Charlie could, earning a glare from the boy in the left-side of the room. Knox sat down on Charlie's bed with a smile.

"It seems something went wrong with the dorm chart because I have a room all to myself. With the right convincing you could move right in with me, we don't need Cameron anyway."

"Hey!" Cameron said, offended that they would say such things in front of him. He could only imagine what they said when he wasn't there.

"You're kidding," Charlie grinned as he stood up from the bed and ruffled Knox's hair. "Don't go on pulling my tie, Overstreet. Cuz' with this drag of a roommate I've got I'd rather sleep in the locker room."

Richard Cameron walked out of the room instead of replying to Charlie's tyrannical blabber. Charlie laughed through his nose before looking back at the boys. "So...are we moving out of here or what?"

"I don't know Charlie," Neil pursed his lips awkwardly. "You and Knox in a dorm together? The whole hall won't be able to sleep."

Todd laughed to himself, even though he hasn't been part of the friend group for a long time he could easily agree with the taller boy's statement. "Whatever, anything's better than dorming with Cameron."

He stood up and Knox did as well as they started heading to Knox's empty dorm. Neil and Todd followed shortly behind, "What's your problem with Cameron?" Todd walked at the same fast pace as Charlie, Neil was falling behind from the rest of the group.

"First name's Richard. But to make it short: he's annoying," Charlie retorted as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "He's small, fragile, and I hate his voice too. I've been his roommate for a single day and I already know what his socks smell like, that's my problem, Anderson."

"Shut it, Charlie. You're acting as if you're any better. You're loud and obnoxious," Knox laughed as he got to his dorm.

"Then why are you so persistent in having me as a roommate? You like me...don't you?"

Knox punched his friend on the arm and opened the door to his dorm room. Neil noticed that there was a note on the front door, then stopped in front of it as the other boys piled inside the room. They looked at him in confusion as he struggled to pronounce what was on the thin piece of paper. Todd took it away from him after a few seconds of humiliation then raised his eyebrows in confusion, "Does anyone know someone named Siegfried?"

Charlie took the note angrily, knowing that because the note had a name on it that the dorm was reserved for someone that wasn't him. He had to stay with Richard. "Taylor Hall?" Todd continued to ask, a small lightbulb lit up in Knox's head.

"Like Peter Benjamin?"

"Eivind?" Neil raised an eyebrow, remembering his first head-over-suede crush.

The boys shrugged in a poor response. "I know Peter Hall, he's in a couple dorms down from us. Maybe we could ask him if he knows anything about this. I doubt he has a brother, I've only seen him around with his sister. He calls her Si...maybe as in short for Cecilia?"

"Or she's unfortunate enough to be named Siegfried and Nolan's gone in over his head to let girls into Hellton," Neil joked which caused the other boys to laugh.

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