[seven] danburry's and study sessions

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God I wish Charlie would've knocked on my door so I didn't have to carry all of these on my own.

Knox and Sigrid walked next to each other in complete silence, Sigrid was struggling to hold her book-bag over her shoulder because she carried more materials than usual, Charlie hadn't specified which books she needed to study so she cluelessly brought all of them. The roommates walked next to each other in complete silence, one out of annoyance of the extra weight and the other one anxious about making a good first impression on his dad's friends.

She looked over at him and gave a little smile when she noticed him comb his hair to the other side for the fifth time in the past thirty seconds. She looked at his attire, an unwelcome cackle erupted from the bottom of her throat. "So...are we going to give the crown to the queen or accept the presidency of a small country in Asia?"

"Funny, Hall. But if you knew me well enough," she tsked at the well enough, "You'd know that the Danburry's are very important people, and these clothes make up for how incredibly unlikable I am to elders."

"Oh come on, Overstreet," she rolled her eyes as she finally got to Meeks' front door and then stopped him in front of her. She looked up as she took his comb to fix his hair one more time, "I'm sure the single mothers book club loves you."

He smacked her hand away playfully and asked her to put his comb in her book-bag. She sighed as she did so and then looked back up at him, "In all seriousness, I hope it goes well. I know meeting new people could be scary. Maybe not all old people are annoying."

"Thank you?" he chuckled and then knocked on the door for her.

"You're welcome," she grinned and then got on the tips of her toes to kiss his cheek just as the door opened. Charlie looked at them unamused then pretended to be smiling the whole time when they turned to look at him. Sigrid hugged him, Charlie was taken slightly aback but then awkwardly patted her back as he continued to stare at Knox. Knox gave a little smirk before pulling her off of his friend and taking the book-bag off her shoulders.

"Well, I have to go now, I'll see you guys later."

Sigrid walked into the room, it seemed a lot smaller with a handful of boys inside of it. She noticed Todd wasn't there, she slightly frowned before getting her book-bag again. "Latin or English?"

They all answered simultaneously, "Both."

She nodded, taking out both of them and taking a pencil from her small pencil bag. Charlie walked next to her, looking down at her hands preparing her things. "Why'd you bring all your books?"

She shrugged, he took her books and sat down next to Neil, she awkwardly stood at the edge of the bed until he patted the space next to him. She crawled up and then sat next to him, they were shoulder to shoulder, Neil set Charlie's book in front of him so Charlie could take her to the page they left off on, "I didn't know what we were going to study."

"Todd's doing his Chem homework in his dorm, we asked him so we could all help each other as is but something tells me he doesn't really like us," Neil muttered, butting into Sigrid and Charlie's conversation. She looked passed the boy and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What makes you think that?"

"Nothing really, I just think it's a little weird how closed off he is with us. He didn't have a problem going out with you."

Sigrid noticed the undertone, even though Neil was still smiling and sounded overall positive. She looked at Charlie quickly before shifting her eyes back at Neil. "He's doing his work. I doubt you doesn't like you, Chemistry could be a real drag."

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