[eleven] a normal day at welton

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Neil and Todd looked through the forest as they tried to retrace their steps to find the cave, Neil had found an old annual with Keating's year on it and after a few minutes of interrogation he managed to find the location of where the dead poets meetings were held. It didn't take much thinking, he only wondered what the forest looked like at night and why his brain had told him to bring along Todd.

Todd jumped every now and then when he heard the leaves and branches crumbling underneath a wild animal's foot. By the time they both got to the cave he was tightly gripping Neil's wrist, Neil looked down with a smug smile on his face. "Scared, Anderson?"

Todd gulped before shaking his head, Neil hummed sarcastically. "Have you ever been this far into the forest before?"

"Once," Todd spoke truthfully, remembering his little adventure with Sigrid on their first days at Welton, "But it was too dark for me and I kept on tripping because Sigrid was running too fast."

Neil's smile slowly fell from his face as he tried to play off his discontent, he released himself from Todd's grasp and got in the cave. Todd watched, "I think it's quite awesome that I've made it this far when it's still light out. I'm sure it's a new sight for both of us, I'm happy I could share it with you."

Neil signaled him to go inside the cave, "What, did you think you'd run back to the dorm at the first sight of a deer?"

"Maybe," Todd listened, he looked around and noticed how humid the cave was. "But this seems a little scarier."

"Even with me?"

Neil hadn't realized the words that had spilled from his mouth. Todd looked at him for a couple seconds in shock before giving a nod of affirmation, "I think you make it a little better."

The car stopped at last, Charlie was embarrassed to say the least to be terrified of someone's driving, Sigrid was nonchalant of his dismay and took the keys out of the ignition. She handed over the keys before taking off her seatbelt, "What should we do now that I'm feeling spontaneous?"

"Have sex," Charlie put the keys in his pocket as he looked at her with a serious expression, Sigrid's nostrils flared before she hit him lightly on his shoulder.

"You're gross!"

She opened the door and got out of the car, Charlie did the same and quickly came up behind her as she tried to walk away, she pouted as she looked over her shoulder. He hugged her waist loosely, "I was kidding, Sig. Whatever we do, or don't do," he snickered a little, "Is totally on your terms. I don't mind the waiting."

"I'm waiting for you to be a gentlemen," she squinted as she removed his arms from around her body and held his hand so he could walk next to her, he looked like a puppy following her. "Besides you have your first kiss a couple hours ago, I doubt you'd be worth the five minutes."

"Seven and a half, take it or leave it. Please? With my confidence I could forget I'm a sad little virgin."

"If you keep on talking you'll be a dead and sad little virgin," she grimaced, "Go back to calling me wobbly-legged, and average, even uncreative. Dalton, you're being way too sweet affectionate right now and part of me can't believe you."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "You literally told me that I was too mean for you to pick up that I liked you. Is it possible you were lying?" He feigned his shock.

"Well of course, how else was I supposed to flirt back if I couldn't call your forehead huge or making fun of the fact that your mom still calls you ducky?"

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