[four] charlie and sigrid sitting in a tree...

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At the end of the day, and after the boys had been trying to evaluate all the logical reasons Sigrid had turned out with Mrs. Dalton and why she was dorming with Knox instead of having her own room, they were all still confused out of their minds. They were all on the opposite side of the room, she was oblivious to their interrogation and packed whatever she needed to head to the kitchens.

She didn't like being in the same room as all of them at once, she had been writing in her notebook prior—which at the moment was wide open on a sketch of her roommate. What could she say? He was a sight for sore eyes and she needed something as a distraction.

The boys looked at the sketch, back at her, and then all continued to be confused as they watched her frantically walking around the room to leave as fast as possible.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Knox said with furrowed eyebrows as Sigrid finally closed her notebook and put it on the highest shelf she could reach. She ignored him and opened the door to leave, Knox stood up from bed and put his hand on the doorknob to stop her from walking any further. She sighed and looked up at him with squinted eyes, "Yes, Overstreet?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? I haven't introduced you to my friends yet."

"Hurry? Sorry it seemed like I was in a hurry," she smiled passive aggressively. "But I came to the dorm as fast as I could so I could wait for you, set my rules straight, and then go bake you some stupid brownies as soon as our conversation is over. But then you actually got here on time with your entire friend group? What are you trying to do, Overstreet? Showcase me like some animal at a zoo?"

"Neil, do they have deers at the zoo?" Charlie whispered but she still managed to hear him, she shot him a quick glare.

"Why do you keep on calling me that?"

"Because you have scrawny knees, you tremble."

"And your mommy calls you little ducky!" She screamed back in offense before grabbing the doorknob again. Knox looked back at his friends with a hopeless expression as she started to walk off, he followed her in a jog. "Look, I'm sorry! It's just that there aren't any girls and Welton and we didn't want you to feel weird for not being able to make friends. I thought my friend group could be your friend group, my intentions were pure. I swear!"

"Do you all usually do this terribly?"

"No, that's the thing! We thought you would be happy to have a warm welcome. We even wanted to help you with your brownies. Neil burns everything he touches but he was willing to make an effort. Charlie's even cutting down on the bullying, that's pretty hard for him."

"He called me a deer again, so like I said prior, 'do you all usually do this terribly'?"

"Don't mind Charlie. He'll be better when you get to know him more, he's afraid of people not liking him for who he truly is so he tries to be as annoying as possible to pick out who's actually worth the stay. He was like that with all of us, I think you should be honored that he thinks you're so great he's trying to make sure you stay. Maybe he even thinks you're pretty!"

Sigrid stopped walking, suddenly turning red from the neck up. She turned around with squinted eyes, but a small smile was surfacing on her lips. She relaxed her eyes and then looked down shyly at her suede shoes, "Do you really think so?"

A relieved sigh left Knox's lips, he smirked as he looked at how flustered she was and then nodded. "I would say that. We all think you're pretty, really pretty," he walked closer to her now that she wasn't fuming with a laugh. He put his arm over her shoulder and looked down with a grin. "What's with the change of mood, do you like him or something?"

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