[seventeen] friends with judas

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Sometimes it seems like all she has to do to fall ten feet deeper into the hole of what the hell am I doing with my life is blink.

The girls seemed to become comfortable with each other and their rooms faster than she did. She remembered the first time she walked into her dorm room with Knox, before that moment she hadn't considered herself 'one of the lucky rich kids'. Truth is, she still isn't. She could see that in her now torn up yellow suedes and the moments where she had nothing to contribute to conversations about travel and exotic cuisine. She was like a fish out of water.

She expected things to be different in a couple days, and those 'couple days' turned into two weeks. She had yet to speak to Charlie and she was beginning to contemplate why she even attempted to have something beyond a friendship with him so early on in the year with nothing motivating her but her immaturity.

He's always been mean in that obnoxious way, he's always been a runner, he's always seemed to cower down to his mother in the moments where he needed to defend himself the most. She couldn't stand next to him when he himself hadn't formed a clue of what he stood for.

The only person she seemed to be on speaking terms with was Theresa Dalton, who talked her ear nearly off of her head with sugarcoated apologies and how to get her son back without making it seem like she was still prying into his business. Sigrid had to give it to her, Theresa is an extremely dedicated woman.

She just wished she didn't have to dedicate herself to ruining other people's lives.

Todd set Sigrid aside once he felt her awful distance. Not only from Charlie, but the entire group because he was everywhere she didn't want him to be. All he noticed were her sunken eyes and her loneliness.

She was grateful to have such good friends. Todd who was always there for a good conversation, food, and gossip. And Richard who, unknowingly to the other guys, actually gave meaningful life lessons and was opinionated. Richard made it seem like he supported all her decisions because he knew the type of girl she is. Sigrid, making idiotic and irrational decisions, liked the feeling of being 'right'.

A caring Richard came with a toll. And most of their conversations ended with apologetic eyes and another failed attempt at talking to Charlie.

She slipped on a pair of flats and fixed herself in the mirror like the President was on the other side. Her make up took longer to remove than last time, she needed to stop wearing so much mascara. She resembled a raccoon. Her headache never seemed to go away.

There was a knock on the door as she put on a headband, checkered pink and baby blue. Her head thumped at the same tempo as she craned her neck. "Who is it?"

The audible mumbling made her eyebrows furrow before there was an exasperated groan, "It's me, Richard. I have something for you."

"Is it something you could slip under the door? I have somewhere to go and I'm not quite ready."

"No, I don't think so," he laughed. "I could wait outside for a while. I don't have anywhere to go."

"Sorry, Cameron. It's just...once I open the door I have to immediately head on over where I need to go. Clock's ticking, and I'd prefer to be punctual," she looked at the pink dress she had on and made herself smile. It reached her mid half. with a little triangle slit in the front. Held a cute halter style with seven buttons, it reminded her of Marilyn Monroe's in Niagara.

"What, you got a date or something?"

"Or something!" she called out as she wiped access makeup away. Richard turned to look at the person next to him. They were getting more impatient.

rich man's world;  charlie daltonWhere stories live. Discover now