[sixteen] unspoken feelings of a lonely man

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Gerard walked with the girls surrounding him, a grin on his face and an overconfident display of manliness by putting his hands in his pockets. Stephen sat in the library with a book in front of himself cracked to page three-hundred ninety-four, reading about werewolves. Maeve who was on Gerard's right side had already told the girls she'd try to pursue him. He, the majority of the time, replied to the girl on his left. Valerie.

Stephen flipped his page as Gerard walked in, he playfully told the girls to remain quiet as he picked up his pace to scare Stephen. Stephen, having quick reflexes, hit him with the closest book he had the moment he got tapped on the shoulder. "Gerard!" he hissed. "I'm trying to read, don't scare me like that. Half of the English language just completely left my head."

"Sorry," Gerard stifled. "I brought a couple friends if that's not a problem."

Gerard looked over at the girls and stood up to pull out chairs, Stephen was too busy looking at Gerard to notice the girls walking toward his table, "I don't need more people to tutor. I've got more than I need for that car I wanted and it's starting to stress me out enough with Charlie on my back. Can you please tell them to-

"Hello," Maeve said in a normal tone. He turned around in disbelief, he laughed nervously before fixing his glasses and extending his hand.


"I'll leave you to it," he patted Stephen's shoulder, going to the back of the library. Stephen spluttered at him to come back but he only walked faster. Gerard looked around for Peter Benjamin's backpack and the hollow book. Fretful.

"Come on," he hissed as he cracked the book open. The keys were missing, it was completely empty. He looked through the other hollow books Peter had snuck in. Finally he found all the way at the bottom between shelves La Peste by Albert Camus. He opened it and sighed, shaky hands as he held what Peter Benjamin claimed he'd thrown away.

He looked around guiltily before shoving it in his pocket. Trying to act normal, he walked back to the group of girls. He found himself laughing at their jokes, Peter Benjamin becoming a back thought.

It was harder than he thought it was going to be.

His mouth was completely dry and he wanted nothing more than to storm out of that library and confront Peter Benjamin about lying.

Charlie looked over at Richard in confusion as he tried hiding in the shower. Over the years, the boys had grown to become comfortable around each other but Richard looked so anxious he seemed to be on the verge of running out with a head full of shampooed hair. He hit Knox with his loofa to get him to look in his direction, "What? I'm trying to get soap out of my eyes."

"Boo," he retorted quickly before going to his original inquiry, "What's up with Cameron? He's in that corner over there like someone just smacked his ass and called him Molly."


"Full sentences please."

"I don't know. He's been bitchy all day."

"Nice explanation."

"Thank you, now can I get back to recovering my vision?"


Charlie quickly got the conditioner out of his hair and wrapped a towel around his waist. It was loose, hanging just enough to cover him like a skirt. "Anderson!" he walked to the mirrors, ruffling his friends hair who had been previously combing it over with a brush. Todd scowled slightly at Charlie before suddenly dropping the features on his face. If it were glass, his expression would've shattered into a million pieces by his feet. He looked away from Charlie and straight at the mirror with a deep gulp.

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