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~Your POV~

"You two need to be our spies in UA." Shigaraki says sitting at the bar.

"Yea, Deku maybe because he's been a spy. But me? You're asking for me to get arrested." you say, "My fighting style is so unique, the instant I make someone a puppet, everyone will know."

"Then don't turn people into puppets. The media thinks your quirk is some form of body manipulation quirk." Deku says. You sigh.

"Ugh, ya know what, fine. I'll be a spy." you say.

"Good. The entrance exams are in a month. Both of you should get into the hero course. But for the love of god do your damn best to get into the top class."

"Yessir." you say doing a smart ass solute. You go to your room to change into some normal clothes. You changed into some black leggings, a (f/c) crop top and your black high-tops.

"Oi, Midoryia. I'm gonna go walk around town and grab a coffee, wanna come?" you say.

"Sure." he says you two walk out of the bar, into the back alley, and out into the busy streets of Japan.

"When we get into this UA high hero course, I wonder if we'll participate in attacks made by the League or be there and play victim."

"I bet we'll play victim because if we disappear before the attack and then appear after the attack, they'll know something is up."

"My guess is that it'll depend." you say as the two of you enter the cafe. You order an iced coffee and a (f/f) (fav. flavor) doughnut and Midoriya gets a coffee with 1 sugar and 2 creams and a cinnamon roll.

"I'm going to need some new outfits ." Midoriya says, "I'm tired of this being my only outfit.."

"Well then lets go get you some outfits." you say as you throw your garbage away. You two enter a clothing shop and you help Deku pick out a new outfit. You pick out a dark green dress shirt and a matching tie, a black vest and trousers.

"Hey, Midoryia. Why not try these on." you say handing him the outfit.

"Ok. I'll try this on and this other outfit I picked up." he says. He goes into a dressing room and tries the outfit on. You look around near by for something that might catch your eye. You hear the door open up and see Deku in the outfit you picked out. The shirt and tie match his hair.

"Wow, someone's lookin sharp." you say.

"This is the one you picked out."

"I've always known I had some sense of style." you say laughing, "Now go try the one you picked out on, I wanna see it."

Deku goes back into the dressing room and you go back to looking around. You find a black vest and a (f/c) button up when you hear Deku come out of the dressing room in a red dress shirt, a black vest, tie, and pants. You can't help but stare as the out fit makes every move he makes 100 times hotter.

"Well?" Deku asks.

"I love it, that should be the one." you say while simultaneously thinking "You can stab me in that and I'd thank you."

"How about we get both." Deku says going back into the dressing room.

"Ok. I'll be somewhere in the women's section." you say.

"Ok." Deku calls back. You go to the women's section to see a blonde woman and a blond boy.

"A mother that dragged her son along shopping." you think.

"Katsuki, what do you think?" the woman asks showing off a pair of light purple heels.

Katsuki, you knew that name.. but from where?

"I think they look good."

"Are you only saying that cus I'm your mom?" she taunts.

"Well what the hell do you want me to do? Call up Deku and say "Hey come help my mom pick out a pair of shoes for a very important meeting." he asks.

It clicked, that was Kacchan. You smile as you know that this guy will get into UA so you already thought of a nickname.

"Baka-gou." you say quietly as you go to a (f/c) pant-suit.

"There you are." Midoryia says as he holds the clothes in his hands.

"Well I did tell you I'd be back here."

"True.. wait is that Kacchan?" he asks. Bakugou perks up at the sound of his nickname.

"What are you doing here nerd?"

"Ah, you must be Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku's childhood friend. I'm (y/n)." you say with a psychotic look in your eye as you hold out your hand for a handshake. He shakes it with a skeptical look, "I hear you're going to apply to UA, Izuku and I are going to as well."

"You damn nerd, you won't make it past the entrance exams, with out a quirk."

"Show him Deku." You say. You can see Bakugou get confused as what he sees becomes distorted.

"Wait, how did you-?"

"He was given a quirk, I won't state the person's name for reasons. This donor took pity on his quriklessness and gave him a quirk that's quite useful in my opinion. But  Izuku only uses it when hand to hand combat doesn't do the trick." you say with a psychotic tone.

"It's really not that great compared to yours, (y/n)." Deku says.

"Well what is your quirk?"

"Element manipulation. I can manipulate the 4 elements to my will, but my one drawback is that I can only manipulate 2 for a time before dizziness sets in and if I don't stop I'll pass out. Thankfully that's only happened once." you say.

"Seems like you'll have competition Katsuki." The woman says, "I'm Mistuki."

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs.Bakugou." You say shaking her hand.

"She won't be much competition." Bakugou says.

"Well about that when we get into UA." You say looking him dead in his crimson eyes, "I look forward to seeing you in class and in training."

"If you make it past the entrance exams."

"Oh trust me, we will make it." You say.

"You wanna bet?" Bakugou asks setting off tiny explosions in his hands.

"From what I've seen in Izuku's notes about your quirk, your sweat is like nitroglycerin." You say as you produce fire in your hand, "To me, you're a powder keg. Now I say we get going before things become... explosive."

"Yea, that might be best." Izuku says, "Wouldn't want to have to pay for the store damage."

"See you at the exams, Bakugou." you say waving as you and Deku go to the check out. You two check out and go back to the bar.

"You should really try to not sound psychotic when around people, especially someone who's going to be our future classmate."

"Well what can I say? I'm a psychopath." You say going to your room.


getting prepared for these entrance exams people!

BYE <3

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