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~Your POV~

Your mind was on something else when you heard 'election'. Ballots were paced out and you had no idea what was going on so you just chose someone random. You later found out that it was for Class Rep. Ida got Rep. and Yaoyorozu got Deputy Rep. You just wanted to get to hero training where all hell breaks lose. The lunch bell rings and you go to the mess hall to sit with Kirishima, Shoji, Ojiro, Mina, Jiro, and Tokoyami.

"I think Ida will be a good rep. He has the leadership for it." Kirishima says.

"Tsk, if you call chopping the air while unnecessarily yelling all the time leadership then sure." You say.

"You sound like Bakugou." Jiro adds.

"I mean think about it, all he does is yell and chop at nothing." You say finishing your rice.

"Well who would you vote for?" Ojiro asks.

"This may sound narcissistic, but myself." You say.

"I can see why, you got third place in voting." Tokoyami says.

"And the plan you formulated a plan in less than 5 minuets while training yesterday was something someone of great leadership would do." Shoji adds.

"Yea, I actually voted for you because of that." Mina says.

"Awe well thank you." You say as a siren goes off.

"Warning. Level 3 security breach. Please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion." an automated voice says. The whole school goes into pandemonium and when you get pushed against a window you see paparazzi. You groan and wait for order to come when you see Ida go onto an exit sign.

"Listen up! Everything is ok!" Ida yells shutting the whole room up, "It's just the media outside There's absolutely nothing to worry about! Everything's fine! We're UA students we need to remain calm and prove that we are the best of the best!"

The next day

You mega excited as today was when Shigaraki would be attacking the USJ. You wait for hero training and when the time came, you were ready. You had to play victim for this attack so you would have to 'battle' the league.

"Today your training will be a bit different, you'll have three instructors: me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." Aizawa says. The whole room gasps.

"Sir, what kind of training is this?" Sero asks. Aizawa holds up a card that says 'rescue'.

"Rescue, you'll be dealing with natural disasters, ship wrecks, stuff like that." Aizawa says, once again the room erupts with gasps and questions, "What you wear in this exercise is up to you, I know you're excited about costumes, but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and they may limit your abilities. This special training is at an off campus facility and we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all, start getting ready."

You change into your hero costume and go out side to hear Ida blowing a whistle.

"Gather around class 1-A! Using your student numbers form two neat lines so we can board the bus efficiently!" he yells and continues to blow the whistle. You board the bus and see that it's an open floor plan, completely wrecking Ida's boarding strategy. You sit with Deku, Kirishima, Denki, Ashido, Aoyama, Sato, Tsu, and a very distraught Ida.

"Blasted open floor plan ruined my boarding strategy."

"Ida you really need to chill." Ashido says, "(y/n) now that we have a chance, what's your quirk like?"

"Well as you all know I can manipulate all 4 elements. But manipulating more than one for an extended period of time will cause headaches and if I continue long enough, I can faint."

"Your quirk is so cool, it's something like All Might's, a symbol augmenting type quirk, something flashy. My hardening is super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight but it doesn't look all that impressive."

"Ah no way I think it's really awesome looking. I think you're pro material with a quirk like that." Deku says.

"You really think so? Seems like it's be easier to be a popular hero if I had something flashier."

"My naval laser has the perfect combination of flash and strength." Aoyama says.

"But it's way lame if it gives you a stomach ache sweetie." Ashido says.

"Well if any of our class mates have pro quirks it's Todoroki, (y/n), and Bakugou." Kirishima says.

"Sure but Bakugou is always angry so he'll never be that popular." Tsu says. You laugh.



"Ya know we basically just met you so it's kind of telling that your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage."


"Welp now that we're pissing explosion boy off I guess I should say the nickname I made for him." You say, "Imma call you BAKA-gou."


"Woah Bakugou chill out." Kirishima say.

"It's ok Kirishima." You say and you look Bakugou dead in the eyes, "You've alread tried to beat my ass once and failed. So if you want to taste defeat again, have at it."

Bakugou starts to yell at you and you're so tempted to blow your cover and go villain mode on his ass.

"Hey, hey we're here. Stop messing around." Aizawa says. You exit the bus and see the one hero that has a 100% chance of taking you down.

"Hello everyone I've been waiting for you." 13 says. The whole class gets excited except you, Deku's reaction is a bit of acting mixed with genuine fan-boy.

"It's the space hero, 13! The chivalrous hero who's saves thousands of people from disasters across the world!" Deku says.

"Whoohoo! 13 is one of my favorite heroes!" Uraraka says.

"I can't wait to show you what's inside." 13 says. You all walk in and see many fake disaster zones.

"Holy crap, it looks like some sort of amusement park." Kirishima says.

"A ship wreck, a landslide, a fire, a wind storm, etc. I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, but you can call it USJ." 13 says as Aizawa walks up to her and they have a short conversation about All Might but you can't make out what the main subject about him is.

"Clock's ticking, we should get started." Aizawa says.

"Excellent! Before we begin, I just want to say one thing." 13 says, "Listen carefully, I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful quirk. It's called Black-hole, I can use it to suck up anything and turn it to dust."

"Yea! You've Black-hole to save people from all kinds of disasters haven't you?" Deku asks.

"That's true, but a quirk could also be very easily used to kill. Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous...."

You zone out waiting to see one of Kurogiri's portals open.


fun fact: most of the lines that happen during events that happened in the show (cus i dont read the manga yet) are canon lines, so this book is kinda an excuse to watch the show again :)

BYE <3

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