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~Your POV~

"This is not a trap to get you turned in, it's about what you told Fat Gum earlier today." Aizawa says.

"I told Fat Gum a lot of stuff today, you're going to have to be a little more specific." you say knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Come in (y/n)." All Might says.

"We don't intend to fight you." Midnight says.

"Neither do I." you say slowly walking into the teacher dorms, shaking. You sit down on the sofa with the best path to the door in case you needed to make a quick escape.

"You mentioned your parents, we've never heard you talk about them." All Might says. You deliberate on telling them or not, but ultimtly decide to tell them.

"My parents were wind and earth heroes: Whisper and Tierra." you say, "And while I was in middle school, I was dating a guy and while on a date he raped me. I went home and told my parents and they said it was my fault because I was wearing thigh-highs with my uniform instead of my normal leggings..."

"Then you burned the house down." Midnight says.

"You made the fire that killed them..?" Present Mic asks in disbelief.

"Yes. I then went and burned the guy that rapped me alive."

"And why did Midoriya join you?" All Might asks. You burn with rage at the question.

"You don't remember?!" you ask, "You told one of your biggest fans that he couldn't be a hero because he was quirkless! So when All For One found him walking down the street crying, All For One gave Deku a quirk and we started to make a world where heroes encourage their fans and place the blame on the real villain and not the victim like my parents did."

All Might gets a look of sadness and shame.

"Also (y/n), I would like my quirk back." Aizawa says.

"Miss the dry eye?" you ask as you return the quirk but put up your quirk shield, "Also you're fun to fight. I hate to cut this short but we must be going." you say as you take Eri's hand and make a portal back to the hideout. You help Eri get ready for bed and you tuck her in.

"(y/n)?" she asks as you're about to leave.


"Can I call you my big sister?" she asks, you smile.

"Yes. Can I call you my little sister?" you ask.

"Yes." she says nodding.

"Night, lil sis." you say.

"Goodnight big sister." Eri says yawning. You walk out and close the door behind you. You go and put away the tea and coffee, then sit on the couch with Deku.

"How is everyone?" he asks wrapping an arm around you.

"They seem to be happy. They were playing Monopoly with some other kids that I think transferred classes."

"How was Kacchan?"

"He was surprisingly not there, along with Ida." you say, "They were probably in their dorms."

"Well yea, both of them lost most of their friends."

"True." you say. You watch Denki and Sero play minecraft and you end up falling asleep on Deku. When you wake up you hear a heart beat, that isn't yours. You look up and see Deku asleep. You were laying on his chest and his arms were wrapped around you.

"He must have lied down sometime after I went asleep." You think to yourself as you snuggle in closer. He stirs and turns more to the right with you in his arms. You get more comfy and wait for him to wake up or for you to go back to sleep. As you were on the verge of falling back asleep Deku opens his eyes and starts to play with your hair. You slowly wake up and when you open your eyes Deku kisses your forehead. You smile tiredly and started to think about what you were going to do.

"What are you thinking about?" Deku asks

"What we're gonna do today." you say, Deku hums, "But first, coffee." you say.

"But I'm comfy." Deku whines.

"But we can't do anything if we just stay here all day." You say. He huffs as you get up and make some coffee for you and Deku. You see Denki, Shinou, and Sero passed out in the floor with Kiri. They wake up after smelling coffee and everyone slowly starts to wake up.

"So what's the plan for today boss? I'll do what I want!" Twice asks.

"Let me have my coffee first." you say taking a sip.

"(y/n), the new guy wants to meet you later today." Dabi says, "I would have told you last night but you were asleep with Deku."

"Alright who is this person?"

"Hawks." he says.

"Oh my god they actually did it." you say.

"Who did what?" Eri asks.

"I was doing my internship with Hawks when I heard about the Hero Safety Commission's plan to have a hero infiltrate the League to help destroy it from the inside and out." you say drinking your coffee, "Where and when do we have to meet him?"

"12 pm at the warehouse." Dabi says.

"Fun." you say as you down the rest of your coffee. After Kurogiri wakes up he starts to make breakfast. You go to where the doctor is and he removes the staples from your face, the cut had healed but left a small scar across your face. You come back to the kitchen just as Kurogiri got done making breakfast. You sit down and eat your food (idk why but i see kurogiri making french toast XD).

"I gave that bastard mercy once, but we'll see how this goes." You think as you wash your plate.

"I could have gotten that Mistress." Kurogiri says.

"Oh no I needed something to do while I thought about the meeting with my old mentor, and no need for formalities, call me (y/n)." you say. You were looking at your signature outfit and having a sudden distaste for it. You call a villain supporting seamstress that you would like a new costume. You tell them to surprise you and they say that they'll have it done by the next day.

 You tell them to surprise you and they say that they'll have it done by the next day

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(heres some that I found on google but cut the sleeves off and replace the long pants/boots with shorts/shorter boots)

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(heres some that I found on google but cut the sleeves off and replace the long pants/boots with shorts/shorter boots)

You put on your soon to be scrapped outfit and go with Dabi to the warehouse where you hold some of your meetings. You were there early and you hear the sound of wings flapping.

"Well well well, if it isn't Mr.#1."


this is gonna be good

BYE <3

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