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~Kirishima's POV~

I'm packing my things to move into the dorms as I'm thinking about the fight in Camino. That villain.. I think his name was All For One.. said something to that Shigaraki guy about a sister. And the voice of Shigaraki and (y/n)'s brother.. what did she say his name was..? 'Tenko'? Their voices are almost identical.. could (y/n) be?.. No, she's aiming to be a hero, she couldn't be a villain. I hear my phone buzz and Bakubro is calling me.

"Hey man. Wassup?" I say putting the call on speaker.

"Nothing much, packing my shit and thinking about that fight in Camino."

"Same." I say, "Random and kinda concerning question: Do you think (y/n) is a villain?" Bakubro sighs.

"Imma be honest man, I think she is. Why?"

"That look on her face and he scream when that uber powerful villain got beat and was being taken to prison said that she lost someone, and while we were at the mall before camp we she ran into her adoptive brother and he just seems too similar to that Shigaraki guy. And also when you two spared on the first day of school didn't she like suppress your quirk to pull that move where she set off your quirk?" I say. Bakugou is quiet for a minuet.

"Yea and the Puppet Master was no where in sight, and yet, All Might was stopped in his tracks when she reached out, and her voice is so similar to the Puppet Master's it's honestly a little scary." he says, "I'm convinced that she's the Puppet Master."

"But she's got an elemental quirk, not a bodily control." I say, "Well I gotta go or else Imma miss my train. I'll see you at the dorms."

"Alright. See you there shitty hair." he says hanging up.

"See ya there bro." I say putting my phone in my pocket. I manage to catch my train and I get to the dorms. I think about what happened at the camp and what Bakugou said. Could (y/n) be a villain?

We take in the sight of our new home and Mr.Aizawa gives a speech on how me, Midoriya, Ida, Yamomo, and Todoroki went to go save Bakugou and (y/n) and how he would expel us if it wasn't for the fact that All Might just retired. We all lower our head but Bakugou makes Kaminari short circuit and then gives me a crap ton of money. I watch as Kaminari makes people laugh and smile.

~Your POV~

You unpack your stuff from the bar and rearrange everything to as a exact as possible to the bar. The League helped you pack your things or got something so you can always feel like your with them, even though you're on the U.A campus. Your (f/c) sheets that Kurogiri washed for you after he got better, the clothes that Toga helped to put in boxes for you, a (f/s) (fav. scent) candle that Dabi got you, a black and white pillow that Twice got you, a pin that says "I live off of coffee" that Magne got for you, a throwing knife from Spinner, a card set from Compress, and a photo of you and Shiaraki at an arcade before he made his villain debut in a picture frame with charms of some of your favorite things scattered around it. There was one thing that you were hesitant to unpack though, an overcoat that belonged to All For One and bottle of the cologne he used that the Doctor gave you before you had to move in. You hang up one of your kitsune masks that you don't use for your villain costume above your bed.

"Seems like this is as close as I'm going to get to my room at the bar." you think as you go down to the common area to unwind with the boys when the girls come down and start to talk about a "room contest". You decide to participate and several of the boys' get made fun of for their rooms, you all skip the grape's room and move on. You get done when the grape suggests that the girls' rooms also get judged.

"Alright I agree with this, however knowing you, you just want a chance to snoop through our rooms for you perverted needs." you say seeing him drooling, "If I see you do anything that will hurt any of us physically, mentally, or emotionally in a sexual way I'm going to one of two things: 1) report you to admin with solid evidence and have you expelled or 2) turn you into a raisin. The path I chose is completely based off of what you do tonight, so play your cards carefully."

Everyone goes through the girls' rooms with the grape still in the common room, trembling with fear from your speech. They get to your room and everyone thinks that it's cool, you explain that most of the off theme stuff is from your friends that don't go to U.A and your "adoptive brother". You feel Bakugou and Kirishima's energy changes.

The votes get cast and Sato won because he made some of the best cake you've tasted, second to Kurogiri's chocolate cake which you absolutely adored. He refused to give you the recipe to it because iT WAs  a SeCrEt. You've tried to get a photo of the card but Kurogiri always caught you. You're pretty sure it has some form of illegal substance in it that only he can obtain, but you would die for that cake. You got to bed at a bit of an early time, 9:00 pm because you were tired from the past few days and needed some rest, and you were pretty sure that the next day of training was going to be hard.


moving into the dorms

best filler ep.
change my mind

BYE <3

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