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~Your POV~

You're packing your things into the bus when you hear Monama from 1-B say something.

"Alright copy and paste, Why don't you actually prove you're "better"?" you say with a fire in your hand, "Because I'll be happy to oblige."He backs away, you get on the bus and sit next to Deku while on the ride there. You hear Ida yelling about someone standing, but all you can think about is the practical exam.

"Guessing we move to plan b?" Bakugou asks.

"We have to. I see no other way around him." Midoriya says.

You pull your knees up to your chest as you think."If I couldn't defeat All Might then, how can I defeat him as the puppet master? And what if this plan at the training camp doesn't work? Will Father be disappointed in me and my planning skills?  What will the league think? What if this is the plan that blows my cover?"

"(y/n), are you ok?" Deku asks. This pulls you out of your thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, yea.. I'm fine, just thinking about the practical again."

"You need to stop thinking about that. Yea, the plan didn't work, but you can learn from it." he says, "Everyone loses at some point."

"Yea, but if I couldn't win then... how can I win when I take control of the family business?" You say using LOV code. Midoriya wraps his arm around you and you lean on his shoulder as you slowly drift off into sleep.

*Time Skip*

The bus reached the rest stop and you stretch your legs.

"Man, I really needed off of that bus." Denki says. You see the grape run around like a 4 year old.

"You don't really think that we stopped here just so you can stretch your legs, do you?" Mr.Aizawa asks. The doors to a black car that was stopped there opened.

"Heya, Eraser." a woman says.

"Long time, no see." he says as the Wild, Wild Pussycats come out of the car. Your guard immediately goes up because they almost got your mask off and you don't know if they saw your face or not. They do their little intro.

"These are the pro-heroes you'll be working with at the summer training camp." Eraser says. You can see Midoriya go into fan-boy mode and list off a whole bunch facts and trivia about the group. "Everyone say hello."

"Hello nice to meet you." the whole class says and you see a little boy look away.

"We own this whole stretch of land out here, everything you can see." the one in red says, "The summer camp your staying at is there, at the base of the mountain."

"That's far." the whole class says in surprise.

"Uhhh, then why did we stop all the way up here instead?" Uraraka asks.

"I'm afraid we both know the answer to that." Tsu says.

"That can't be right." Sato says shaking his head.

"Ummm, back on the bus.. quick lets go." Sero says.

"Good idea." Denki says, "Load up."

"The current time is 9:30 in the morning." the red cat says, "If you're fast about it, you might make it there by noon."

"No way, guys!" Kirishima says.

"Holy crap!" Mina says as the whole class realizes whats going on. They all run towards the bus as the blue cat blocks they're way.

"Save yourselves!" Kiri says.

"Kitties don't who make it there by 12 period won't get any lunch." the red cat says.

"You should have guessed student's, the training camp has already begun."

"WAIT GUYS!" you say as the blue cat activates her quirk. You shoot up with your wings as the rest of the class gets swept away by the land. You land where the rest of the class.

"Good news, since this is private land, you can use your quirks as much as you want to!" the red cat says, "You've got 3 full hours, you should be able to make it to the facility in that time, that is.. if you can get through the beast forest."

You see the grape run into the forest and see a rock like beast. Denki and Sero scream as the rest of the class takes a defensive stance. You dismember the beast using your quirk.

"Alright guys, we gotta keep a level head, that's the only way we'll be able to get through this." You say.

"(y/n) is right." Tokoyami says, "This is part of our hero training after all."

The whole class agrees and charges straight into the forest.

"I spot three up ahead." Shoji says.

"There's more than that, 6 at least." You say as you and the class make your way through. The whole class works together to destroy the beasts and after 7 hours of fighting you're so dizzy you have to hold onto Midoriya to keep from ramming into trees and possibly fainting. The blue cat says something as you're getting your vision straight and Midoriya asks a question. You can make out that he's pointing to the kid you saw at the "rest stop". Midoriya goes to greet the kid and gets punched in the balls. You and every guy in the area wince, Ida goes to Midoriya and yells at the kid.

"The last I wanna do is hang out with some wanna-be heroes." he says.

"Hmm, he could be of some use to us." you think as you go over to Deku to see if he's ok. Aizawa tells you to get your stuff off of the bus and to eat something.

You go to the hot springs with the girls and feel the grape trying to climb the wall but the kid, who's name you found out is Kota, knocks him off. You sink into the water to where only your head is poking out. Mina thanks him and he falls off the wall. You feel Midoriya catch Kota with a trampoline and he takes him to the red cat. You get out of the spring, get a towel, and go to bed.

*the next day*

You wake up at 5:00 and get ready. The class is still half-asleep by the time it's time for the training part of the camp. Eraser throws Bakugou the ball and tells him to throw it, he ends up throwing the ball an astounding 4 whole meters more than the first time. Aizawa then tells you to throw the ball, You throw it wanting to best Bakugou, you throw the ball and make it 4.5 meters more than the last time. Aizawa explains that your quirks haven't been trained at all and that's why you're at the camp.


and we're at the training camp. lets hope (y/n) doesn't blow her cover when the LOV attacks.

BYE <3

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