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TW: self-harm (burning and cutting)

~Your POV~

"Well well well, if it isn't Mr.#1.". you say as Hawks enters the warehouse, "So they went through with the plan huh?"

"What are you talking about?" Hawks asks.

"The Hero Safety Commission's plan for you to infiltrate us so that way you heroes can destroy us from the inside out." you say calmly, "So who's side are you on?"

"If you want me to be honest, I'm on your si-"

"You're lying." you say looking at him, "When someone lies, there is a physical reaction and you seem to forget that I can feel vibrations from anything. So I'll ask one last time, who's  side  are  you  on?"

Hawks sighs, "I'm with the heroes, but I know what you want..."

"You have no idea what I want!" you snap, "You have no idea what my life has been like for the past few years! You have no idea of all the unspeakable things that I've done! You know nothing of me." you say feeling yourself start to break. You make a portal that leads back to the hideout.

"(m/n) and (d/n) Takadimi: wind and earth heroes; Whisper and Tierra, killed in mysterious house fire, daughter no where to be found for 3 years until she applied at UA High school under the name of (y/n) (l/n)." Hawks says as you stop dead in your tracks at the sound of your parents names. You suddenly remember the cork board. 

"Those people were never heroes. When I was in middle school I was raped and you know what my parents said? Do you?! They said that it was my fault because a guy couldn't keep his damn hands off of me!" you yell starting to tear up.

"I know. Your parents were like Endeavor, and I can see why you feel the need to change the world so there aren't any heroes that them again, but you're doing it the wrong way."

"No I'm doing it the way that I see fit by making examples of the 'heroes' with a similar philosophy and when I'm done there will only be true heroes left!" you say. Hawks walks closer to you and you hold him in place. "Go and tell the commission that you were found and the mission failed. This meeting is over." you say going into the portal.

"See ya later kid." Hawks says sadly. You go to your room, slam the door, and sink to the ground crying.

"Why couldn't they be good heroes?" you ask to nothing. You got up and put on what was your hero costume and went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. All you saw was what your parents wanted you to be, a hero.

"You will become a hero." your parents told you as of you had no choice.

"Element will burn." you think to yourself.

You put a hand on your shoulder and burned the area. You hissed in pain and removed your hand to reveal melted fabric on burned skin. You went from your face to your legs with burns ruining your hero costume and forever killing the hero inside you. You then grabbed a razor and deeply cut around your jaw and joints so you looked more like a puppet.

"I am The Puppet Master, most powerful person in Japan. And I will destroy your philosophy." You think staring at yourself in the mirror. You stop the bleeding enough to be able to go to the Doctor without dripping blood everywhere. You knock on the door frame and the doctor immediately tends to your wounds. He cleans, staples and bandages your cuts and applies and anti-infection cream to the burns.

"All of this will scar but if taken care of properly will not get infected." he says

"Thanks doc." you say.

"Daughter what happened?" All For One asks you.

"I destroyed my hero costume while I was wearing it..." you say, "Then I wanted to make self look more like a puppet and it evolved into this."

"Please never do this again. Everything you want can be taken from you by doing something like this." All For One says.

"I understand Father. I don't know what I was thinking by destroying the costume while wearing it."

"Spur of the moment and I hear the Hawks mentioned your parents by name and listed your entire background."

"He did, I keep giving him mercy because he was the one who taught me how to fly but I fear that may be my down fall." you say.

"Do what you think is best and if need be, I will help you."

"What do you mean? Aren't you quirkless?"

"I kept one of the more hard to control quirks so that way I can help you when ever necessary." All For One says.

"Oh thats smart." you say.

"Go and get some rest daughter."

"Ok, good night father." you say going to your room.

"Good night daughter."

You go to your room, change into your pajamas and crawl into bed. You tried to get comfy but your burns hurt like hell. You eventually found a comfortable position to sleep in and gave into sleep.

The Next Day

You woke up and carried out your normal routine of coffee and breakfast before you went to help Eri use her quirk.

"Do you remember how it felt when you were using the power?"

"Sort of. It felt really scary and cool in a way, but when it got to the point where I couldn't control it all I was feeling was scared."

"Thats understandable. When I first started using the fire side of my quirk I burned myself and was scared to use it until I read something that helped me understand it better and then I started off small, only holding a small flame in my hand and slowly becoming more comfortable with it." You say, "It's like learning how to roller skate, you're gonna fall a few times before you get the hang of it, but when you do, you control where you go. So start small."


and done with another chapter

BYE <3

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