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~Your POV~

You put your uniform on and a pair of black thigh-highs. You grab your bag and walk to UA for your first day of being a spy. You remember what Midoriya was telling you about on how to 'blend in'.

"Try to look and sound sane." he told you, "The school knows you have psychopathic tendencies."

You enter the school and take your seat with a guy with spiky red hair to your right and a guy with a mask and multiple arms to your left. They kept their eyes on your face when you walked by so you had no worries, but there was this short one with purple balls on his head that made him look like a grape, you could tell he had his eyes were all over your chest and ass.

"He's small and most likely stupid if all he wants is to get the girls." you think to your self.

"Hi!" you hear from your right. It's the red haired guy. "I'm Kirishima!" he says flashing a smile.

"(y/n)." you say.

"And I'm Shoji." you hear from your left.

"And I'm Mineta." the short one that looked like a grape said going to the front of your desk, "May I just say that you look hot."

"And may I just say keep your eyes on my face and not my chest." you retort, a small fire growing in your hand. He promptly goes back to his seat and you let the fire go out.

"Wow that wasn't very manly." Kirishima says.

"I have a feeling that he may be turned into a raisin before the first month is over if he keeps that up."

"Whats your quirk?"

"Element manipulation. The main element I use is fire."

"That's cool. Mine is called 'Hardening', I can harden my skin and then I can with stand a lot of stuff."

"That's so cool, Midoriya would love to see it. What about you Shoji?"

"Dupli-arms, I can replicate body parts where hands would normally be." He says as a mouth forms on the end of an arm. You see Bakagou walk in, take a seat and put his feet on the desk.

"Wow." you say as you hear someone start to argue.

"Take your feet of that desk now."

"Huh?" Bakugou asks.

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property you cretin."

"You're kidding me right? Your old school put a stick up your ass or were you born with it?" he asks as Deku walks in with the brown haired girl you two saved at the exam. Then you see Eraserhead walk in.

"I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher." He says, "Right lets get to it, put these on."

You take a blue gym uniform and go to the locker room to change. You meet several of the girls. The brown haired girl you saved in the exam is Ochaco Uraraka. You also met Yaoyorozu, Tsu, Ahido, Jiro, and Hagakure. You walk out to the testing grounds and see Deku. Aizawa goes through how things are going to work and what you're going to be doing.

"(y/n), Bakugou both of you got 1st in the entrance exams."


"Tone it down Baka-gou." you say, "It's not the end of the world." You take the softball.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" he yells. You don't pay attention to him and throw the ball with the help of air.

"702 meters sharp." Aizawa says. Everyone is shocked.

"Wait, how'd she do that with just her bare strength?" a guy with black hair asks.

"Air can be very powerful when harnessed properly." you say. You go through the rest of the tests with the stress of being last and being expelled. You want to help Izuku but you don't want to be expelled along with last place. You finish the tests and see that you and Deku came in the top 10. Then you find out that the 'last place gets expelled' thing was a test to see how far you push yourself.

"(y/n) and Bakugou you've tied once again." Aizawa says.


"Because, I'm just that good." you say with a cocky smile, "And to be quite frank with you, I don't want to be tied all the time. Mr.Aizawa is there any way we can break this tie?"

"Yes, but it's irrational and violent."

"Is it sparing?" you ask.


"I don't find that violent or irrational at all. I think that it's the only and a fair way to settle this seeing as how we're equals in everything else." you say crossing your arms. You hear faint murmurs of agreement.

"Ugh, fine. Duel it out right here and don't kill each other. First one to surrender or be apprehended for 10 seconds loses."

"Yes sir." you say going to the middle of the field.

"Oh I can't wait to beat your ass." Bakugou says following you.

"I highly doubt you will be able to." you deadpan.

You hear him start to yell and you feel that he's charging. You shoot him up in the air with an earth pillar and he lands safely in front of you. You continue to spar and he lands a few hits here and there. One on your ribs and several on your arms and legs. He tries to jump on top of you but you doge and take advantage of the fact that his sweat is explosive, you disable his quirk just long enough to light a fire to make unexpected explosions happen.

"What? How did you..?" He says as he's recovering from that maneuver. You sneak up behind him and get him down to the ground and use earth to keep him down. He struggles and you count the seconds to victory.

"10. (y/n) takes first place." Aizawa says.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Bakugou yells as you let the earth pinning him down lose, "HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!"

"Careful planing and using your own quirk against you." you say walking away. 

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that move you pulled of causing an explosion using my own quirk was something that the Puppet Master would do." he says following you. Everyone starts to murmer. You stop dead in your tracks. 

"That would make sense seeing as how I am the Puppet Master." you think to your self. You think of something quick. "That move was an experiment and if it hadn't gone to plan the most that would happen is that your hands would be burnt."

"Tsk." and he just walks away.

"Too close, and it's only the first day. I don't see how Izuku does this." you think letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding in, "Way too close."


hey (y/n), if you need any help just talk to my boi Light Yagami he has literal years of experience with this ;)

BYE <3

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