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~Your POV~

Hagakure suggested you go to the mall to go shopping for the camping trip. You join in and text Shiggy that you and the majority of 1-A was gonna be there. You split up and you see Shiggy walking around a game store. You and Midoriya go up to him.

"Psst Shiggy." you say. He turns around.

"(y/n), Midoriya. I hear you and the rest of your class is getting ready to go on a camping trip." he says.

"Yep and I hear the business is booming." you say.

"Yep, we have several new members, they're at the office right now."

"Hmm. We'll have to meet them." Midoriya says.

"They also seem to be fans of the CEO too." Shiggy says. Your face lights up.

"Wait, I have fans?!" you ask excitedly.

"Apparently. Toga was especially excited to meet you but then I told her that you were out doing some work."

"It's about time we find some fans, other than me." Midoriya says.

"Also how did your final exam go?"

"Ehh, could have gone better. We were up against All Might and the original plan of apprehending him failed. I underestimated him way too much." you say.

"Hey it's All Might, the #1 hero. You'd have to be the Puppet Master to defeat him." Shiggy says.

"Yea but Mr.Aizawa said that the teachers left a way out and I feel that if I had just planed better, we would have gotten him. I feel like I let father down." you say.

"Hey, you can't always win. If it wasn't for the doctor..." Shiggy trails off. You and Midoriya know what he means. All For One is like a father to both you and Shiggy.

"(y/n)! Midoriya!" Kirishima says walking up to us.

"Oh hey Kirishima." you say.

"Uh, who's this?" he asks.

"Oh this is my brother, Tenko." you say using the name you two agreed on using if anyone asked who Shiggy was.

"Huh, I didn't know you had a brother."

"You never asked."

"Touche." Kirishima says.

"Dad's gonna be home in a bit and I sneaked out so I better go." Shiggy lies.

"Yea, before you get grounded again." you lie as Shiggy leaves, "Whatcha need Kirishima?"

"Denki is having some trouble choosing between some shoes."

"Oh on it." you say. You, Deku and Kirishima go to the store and help Denki pick out some shoes. He ends up going for a pair of pikachu themed sneakers. Kirishima gets a pair of red crocks and some little shark decorations. You end up getting some black high tops, some more shorts, and some cropped tank tops. Eventually you go home and start to pack your bags.

*A Few Days Later*

You were about to go to the gym when you get a text from Mina asking if you wanted to go to the school's pool for a bit of summer fun before the training camp. You respond with a yes and meet her and the rest of the 1-A girls in the locker room by the pool. You put on the school swim suit and go out to the pool deck to see all the boys in the class as well.


"Oh hey (y/n)!" Midoriya says.

"Hey." you say confused.

"The we got permission to use the pool for training."

"Ohhh. Cool!" you say as you go play some pool volleyball with the girls. You play but can't help but feel eyes on you. You turn around and see the grape practically drooling. You give him a death glare and he just turns around and pretends nothing happened.

*Time Skip*

You're leaving the pool when you feel something brush against your ass. You turn around and see the grape whistling with his back turned to you. 

"Mineta." you say as you kneel to his height.

"Yes?" he asks getting his hopes up.

"You touch me or my girl friends again I'm turning you into a raisin." you say with a fire in your hand and a smile on your face, "Are we clear?"

"Y-Yes." he says as he runs away. You get up and start towards the locker room, you change and see Midoriya walking home.

"Midoriya!" you say running to him.

"(y/n)!" he says smiling.

"What do you say about going to the hideout and meeting these new people?" you ask.

"Oh yea, that sounds like a great idea." he says. You walk to the hideout and you put your iconic mask on. You walk in and see Shiggy, Kurogiri, and several other people you don't know.

"OH MY STAIN! IT'S THE PUPPET MASTER!" a girl about your age says, "I'm Toga!"


"I'm Dabi. I'm a bit of a fan as well." a guy with a shit ton of scars says.

"Well you know me, but I'll introduce myself anyway. I'm the Puppet Master, villain mastermind and U.A spy." You say removing your mask.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm not known as a villain because I'm a spy as well." he says. You sit at the bar and get a drink as you formulate a plan for the training camp.

"We want to kidnap Bakugou and see if he'll join us." Shiggy says.

"He does have the benefit of a powerful quirk, but he has too much of a superiority complex and a firm goal to become the #1 hero. I highly doubt he will join us." you say, "However, there are others that I think will be beneficial and have the highest chance of joining."


"For starters: Shoto Todoroki. He was 2nd runner-up in the sports festival, almost killed a guy at the USJ, and the amount of hate for Endeavor... I see no reason why my story and the fact that the only reason why he was born was to carry out Endeavor's failed goal to be #1 wont be the turning point for him." you say, you notice a change in Dabi's energy. "Then we have Denki Kaminari, he over uses his quirk and it fries his brain, so naturally people call him dumb, stupid, ect. So if he continues to train at U.A but joins us, he can show people that he's not stupid. And last but not least Ejiro Kirishima, while on the way to the USJ he was talking about how he wanted a flashy quirk, but his quirk is powerful in terms of defense and destruction, like Denki, he can continue to train at UA and when he makes his villain debut, he'll be hella powerful."

"I think Todoroki would be our best bet." Dabi says. You look at him and can't place where you've seen those eyes before. 

"They're so familiar.." you think to yourself.

"I think we should try to get all three of them at a later date, there's no way we can kiddnapp 3 people at once." Shigaraki says.

"That's fair." you say, but you get an idea, "We might have a chance of getting Bakugou after all."


and we meet Dabi and Toga.

BYE <3

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