thirty || all done up

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the song for this chapter is "Fever," by Beyonce :)


   "I'm not going fucking shopping with you, Little Red," Harry scoffed as he sped through the busy streets. It seemed as though everyone and their mother had decided to go for a drive as soon as we left Leonardo's house.

   "You heard Leonardo! It's a theme party! Are you really going to tell me that you have a spare flapper dress lying around for me in your closet?" I groaned, pushing the strands of hair that kept whipping around in the wind out of my face for the millionth time.

   "No, but that doesn't mean that I have to go shopping too. I have plenty of things that I could wear," Harry countered, stepping on the gas abruptly and causing me to shoot back in my seat, which seemed to be his goal judging by the chuckle he let out afterward.

   "Well, maybe you'll find something even better at Marnie's. And hey, stop driving Linus like your AMG, he's a vintage," I warned.

   Harry released a snort as my response. "Linus? And I know how to drive a vintage car baby, Unlike you, I actually know the ins and outs of this piece of machinery," he fired back, causing me to sit up straight and glare at him.

   "One, yes, Linus. Two, I'm not your baby. And three, I'll have you know that my dad and I rebuilt this car with our bare hands, don't ever question my abilities again."

   "You're telling me that you restored this thing?" Harry asked in disbelief.

   "Yes, yes I am. Got a problem with that?" I huffed, crossing my arms across my chest.

   Harry turned to glance at me through his black sunglasses, a smirk playing on his lips, before turning back to face the road.

   "Nope, no problem at"

   "Turn left," I instructed sharply, choosing to ignore his provoking new nickname.

   He put on the turn signal, and with one hand, Harry pressed his palm against the steering wheel, spinning the tires and directing it to the left.

   Fuck me, that was hot.

   "Can we stop by my place after this? I need to get like makeup and shit," I requested.

   "Nope. I already thought of that. I don't have time for you and your friends to play twenty-questions with you about your wonderful hookup buddy," he began, causing me to frown, and then scowl at the end of his sentence.

   "Then what did you have in mind?" I sighed, leaning back against the corner of the seat.

   He shrugged at my question, but surprisingly, he then offered me a legitimate response.

   "I have a friend who does makeup and hair shit for Paris fashion week. I called him up and he said he'd be more than happy to help you with..." he paused to turn towards me, using the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel to gesture and wave around the air at my entire existence, "that."

   I scoffed at his insult but didn't take too much offense to his words. Harry could say a lot of things, but he couldn't say that he didn't find me attractive. I knew this because I had the same predicament when it came to him.

   "Wonderful," I sighed in exhaustion. "Turn right, it will be the third store on your left," I instructed, feeling slightly excited to be able to do something normal like shopping for a change.

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